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How to mount and share non-array drives?


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Now that I have my server running on unRAID V6.0.1, one issue that does not seem to work is mounting and sharing a non-assigned device.


In V5.0.5 I would have these commands in my go script:

mkdir -p /mnt/ext_disk1
mount -rw -o noatime,nodiratime -t reiserfs /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_WDC_WD15EARS-00_WD-WCAYY0239185-part1 /mnt/ext_disk1
hdparm -S 242 /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_WDC_WD15EARS-00_WD-WCAYY0239185


I would also have the share defined in smb-extra.conf file as follows:

path = /mnt/ext_disk1
comment = Public Share
browseable = yes
read only = no
guest ok = yes
writeable = yes
create mask = 0666
directory mask = 0777
force user = nobody
force group = users


However, on V6.0.1, when I access the share I don't see any of my files.  I look at /mnt/ext_disk1 and the uid and gid is 0 and not 99/100 if that matters.


Note: I am not fluent in Linux, but is comfortable with CLI.

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You could use the Unassigned Devices plugin and then this would all be handled for you.


Are plugins the recommended way to extend unRAID?  I have to read up in plugins vs Dockers.  I still don't know the difference between the two and which would be the preferred way.

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You could use the Unassigned Devices plugin and then this would all be handled for you.


Are plugins the recommended way to extend unRAID?  I have to read up in plugins vs Dockers.  I still don't know the difference between the two and which would be the preferred way.

For running applications, dockers (or VMs) are definitely the preferred way IMO.  However, certain things like Unassigned Devices, Powerdown, Community Applications only make sense as plugins.


Running an application (PlexMedia Server, CrashPlan, etc) as a plugin imposes risks due to dependencies, conflicts with the underlying OS, etc.  Docker applications are sandboxed and don't affect the operation of unRaid OS.  IE: if a docker app has an issue and crashes, it crashes the docker app.  If a plugin app has a problem and crashes, it could crash your entire system.

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