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[IMPLEMENTED] Cumlative changelogs for uNRAID upgrade in emHTTP


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6.1.1 is offered today. Users on 6.0 will see this available in emHTTP as a one touch upgrade.


However the release notes in emHTTP contain quite a bit about "Installation on a New USB Flash Device" which IMO is irrelevant information when see via the plugin page.


Also you are not shown 6.1 changelog.


Technically this means that the upgrade change log is incomplete since users are only seeing a portion of what is being installed.


The changelog should contain either:


1. all the relevant chagelogs that will be applied

2. The whole vX.X.X changelog every time


#1 is the slickest but requires some work whereas #2 is likely easy to pull off

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Sure that would also work.


Just to add an example.


Someone is on 6.0, they come back 6 months later and see a new version is out, lets say 6.3.4 and they get some nice release notes. Now its their job to go away and track down all the changelogs for all the missed versions, this could be many....




they read the changelog notes assuming they are the complete and something important is missing...oh i dont know lets say the fact 6.1 broke almost every addon and they dont know cause its not in their 6,1,1 changelog.


There is definite scope for frak up here and room for removing that risk.

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