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Another WebGUI becomes totally unresponsive in v6.1.2 post


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I have seen several posts about unRAID webGUI becoming totally unresponsive and thought, "that's too bad, glad it hasn't happened to me."  Today it happened to me.


I had just checked plugins for updates and updated the preclear disks plugin to latest.  Next I checked docker for updates and there was a Plex (linuxserver.io) update.  I initiated the update.  A blank white update window appeared and from there webGUI was hung.  I waited 5 minutes and no update info appeared in window. I could click X to close update window but webGUI was unresponsive after that.  Telnet to server still worked and I captured diagnostics (attached) before running "shutdown -r now" from console.


Prior update checks have never produced this result and I have no idea if that action is related to the issue or not.


Server back up and running without issue now.



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When the Linuxserver.io Plex docker starts it runs a script that updates permissions for your ENTIRE plex config folder. Depending on the size of the folder this can take some time. Mine for example (which is quite small ~3GB) takes nearly 5 minutes! This is because there are thousands of small files.

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I have updated the Plex docker several times without the blank update screen and hang, so, it was unusual behavior.  Perhaps I did not wait long enough (it was probably more than five minutes).  It was just unusual behavior based on prior experience and the webGUI was unresponsive for several more minutes after I closed the update window.  The update must have occurred (although I had no visual evidence of such), because on server reboot Plex ran fine and check for updates revealed that Plex was up to date.


Next time, if it happens again, I'll just give it more time to "recover."  Wasn't sure if the hang was related to the update or not.  First time I've seen it and webGUI has never hung on me before in any 6.x version.

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