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Running Wine+Utorrent+WebUI+Xvfb - Updated to how to install RUtorrent :P


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Hi everyone,


Over the last few weeks I have been playing with Unraid and trying to ensure it will do what i need before moving my server to it. Right now my biggest concern is  getting Utorrent to work on it.


I have followed instructions on runing Vmware, but it failed miserably for me (i'm not good at linux at all and i've hit a brick wall).


I've decided to look at different avenues, and also didn't think I would need VMware just to have utorrent running on Windows XP. So I decided to look into getting Utorrent to work with Wine.


So ideally Utorrent would need the X interface to run a GUI, so I figured I will look into running it with the WebUI alone. After much investigation I have found that it is indeed possible by running Xvfb (X virtualisation) and some ppl reported getting it running with only 38 MB of ram usage.


Now, as I mentioned before, I am horrible with Linux. So while I try to figure out how to properly run Wine+Utorrent on a regular slackware machine, I thought I would run my idea through the community and maybe you can assist in making this happen, or tell me why this might not work. My plan might take weeks, and you might be able to trim it down in just days.


So my plan for my own learning is:


1. Install Wine+Utorrent on regular slackware with X itnerface

2. Attempt to install Wine+Utorrent on slackware with only Xfvb

3. Install Wine+Utorrent on UNraid development.

4. Install Wine+Utorrent on Unraid Development with Xvfb

5. Finally try to migrate all this into the USB Unraid.


As you can see, I am taking quite a few steps but that's also because I am taking this opportunity to learn as much as I can about Linux as well.


Do you guys think this is a project that is possible to run on UNraid?

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That's an awful lot of work to get a torrent client up and running.


What about learning rtorrent and learning how to use the console version with screen.

It will let you telnet in, run screen, attach to session, do what you have to do, detach.


You can have rtorrent monitoring a directory for new .torrent files and download them automatically.


There is also ctorrent (I compiled a static version).

Transmission (I could compile and post it somewhere).


If you learn rtorrent now, when we have a real webserver on unRAID, then you can install any of the web gui front ends.

In addition, there is ntorrent & n2helll which is a java interface capable of interfacing via XMLRPC over ssh or http.


Seems there is a new interface modled after utorrent called rutorrent.



The learning curve will be a a bit high, but the rewards and benefits later on will be great.


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Thanks for the reply. One feature that I absolutely love and that I cannot find is the RSS feed aspect of it.


Utorrent is capable of filtering specific TV episodes - I can say Dexter not in 720p or 1080p format, download once. That will download Dexter that is not the HD version and it will only do it once in the next 24 hours, which means if multiple versions come out they will be ignored. And on top of all that every filter can download the file in it's individual folder. I have a folder called TV.SERIES and in there I have a folder for each tv show I currently have.


I've looked, and although i've found RSS feeds that will download files for example, I don't have any that will specifically put them in a folder depending on the name of the show.

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Don't bother going down the Wine+uTorrent route. Your time is better spent picking up rTorrent (easier install) or transmission (more difficult install). Both of them offer all the functionality that uTorrent does. I know there are addons for Transmission that deals with the RSS feeds and I'm sure rTorrent has the capability too.


As for the last feature bit of moving it into a subfolder, it's easier to create a script to do the moving after the torrent is finished than it is to get Wine going and getting Wine+uTorrent to be stable enough.

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That's an awful lot of work to get a torrent client up and running.


What about learning rtorrent and learning how to use the console version with screen.

It will let you telnet in, run screen, attach to session, do what you have to do, detach.


You can have rtorrent monitoring a directory for new .torrent files and download them automatically.


There is also ctorrent (I compiled a static version).

Transmission (I could compile and post it somewhere).


If you learn rtorrent now, when we have a real webserver on unRAID, then you can install any of the web gui front ends.

In addition, there is ntorrent & n2helll which is a java interface capable of interfacing via XMLRPC over ssh or http.


Seems there is a new interface modled after utorrent called rutorrent.



The learning curve will be a a bit high, but the rewards and benefits later on will be great.



Ah ha! RUtorrent does EXACTLY what I want :)


Thanks alot, I installed Bubba's custom UNraid, slapped RUtorrent on the wwwdocs folder with the rss plugin and voila :)


Thank you, just a little bit more testing and i'm moving this into production

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When you do get this up and tested could you PLEASE write up a guide to get the rutorrent gui up and running under BubbaRAID that would be great.  I know a lot of requests in the BubbaRAID thread have been to replace the wtorrent gui.  It would be a big help to everyone if you could explain the process.

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When you do get this up and tested could you PLEASE write up a guide to get the rutorrent gui up and running under BubbaRAID that would be great.  I know a lot of requests in the BubbaRAID thread have been to replace the wtorrent gui.  It would be a big help to everyone if you could explain the process.


Bubba did all the work for us really, there's nothing to do. In fact scgi is already configure and setup properly.



On your UNraid machine you can do the following (assuming lighttpd is enabled with Bubbaraid and the defaults are left):


First we'll head over to the directory:

Note: If the directory does not exist you have to make it first (the first command does this);


mkdir /mnt/disk1/wwwdocs

cd /mnt/disk1/wwwdocs 


Then we'll download rutorrent:


wget http://rutorrent.googlecode.com/files/rtorrent-2.6.tar.gz


Finally we'll uncompress the file:


tar -zxvfp rtorrent-2.6.tar.gz


That's it, by default Bubba setup the webserver on port 83, you can either click on the home page where it says "Your personal web server can be accessed here. (default port is 83)" or just head over to http://tower:83/rutorrent


Now I took it one step further becasue my webserver has nothing else in it, so instead of goinmg to "http://tower:83/rutorrent" i just go directly to http://tower:83. If you'd like to achieve the same thing just type:


mv /mnt/disk1/wwwdocs/rutorrent/* /mnt/disk1/wwwdocs/
rm -r /mnt/disk1/wwwdocs/rutorrent


I'm sure Bubbaraid can integrate rutorrent with his package and give everyone the option of either using wtorrent or rutorrent.


Oh and for the ones who want to configure the rss plugin just do this:


cd /mnt/disk1/wwwdocs/plugins
wget http://rutorrent.googlecode.com/files/rss-1.3.tar.gz
tar -zxvpf rss-1.3.tar.gz


You can do the same thing for any plugin you will find at http://rutorrent.googlecode.com/files


One last thing, RSS did not work for me in IE, use Firefox.




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I see that RobJ is on top of adding this to the wiki already.


Thanks you very much flixxx for the outline on how to do this!  I know there are a few people that were loking to replace the wtorrent GUI in the default BubbaRAID install.



Now I am off to see if I can get this up and running!

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  • 1 month later...

Just a quick followup on this: I have been using rutorrent and a combination of wtorrent.  I like the rutorrent interface quite a bit more then the wtorrent one (and wtorrent is quite a bit more buggy) but I can not access the rutorrent interface from outside my local network.


Just recently I have been having problems with not being about to add torrents via the wtorrent interface which is really annoying.  They are added just fine when using rutorrent interface.


I was wondering if I could get some instructions on how to make access to the rutorrent interface public.  I realize that I will need to password protect it and the like (even better if you can include instructions to do that).  I have been doing some searching to see if I can figure it out but I am a little lost in the whole thing.


Thanks ahead of time



EDIT: Never mind on the above.  I set up a rule in my router to allow access on the port I set but I forgot to enable the rule.  Next step is to enable password protection so only I can get into the GUI

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