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How to Move LOTS of data onto new build


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So I am just about ready to finally finish my new build and move the data off my current 25TB RAID array.


I wanted to ask what the best way to do this was?  I wondered if I was better moving it all off without Parity active (if this is possible) so as notto slow the initial write speed down, then turn on Parity and let it build the parity up overnight?


Would really appreciate any recommendations.






If you copy (not move) the data from your current array to your new build, sure. Writing data to a server without parity protection is quite fast.


[*]Set up the new server with data disks, but don't assign parity

[*]Start array on new server

[*]Copy data from old server

[*]Stop array on new server

[*]Assign parity

[*]Start array on new server

[*]Wait for rebuild

[*]Verify data witch checksums if possible

[*]Do whatever you want with the old server. Keep in mind that backups are nice, though :)


Thanks :-) Makes Perfect sense....I will be re purposing the drives from the existing raid array - but don't need them straight away...


Great simple to follow walk through!






The other thing you can do is turn on "Turbo writes".  Type this in at a console or SSH "mdcmd set md_write_method 1".  That speeds my writes upto 100Meg/sec.  This way you can have your parity and move stuff to the new box.


It changes the parity update algorithm so that writes are faster but all array disks are accessed during a write. This trades power consumption for improved write performance. The standard method only accesses the target data drive and the parity drive, albeit each one twice.


How do I move data from old server to a new one with only 1 unRAID Pro license? If I pull out a data drive from an old server, will I be able to connect it to a new server and copy files from it?


It changes the parity update algorithm so that writes are faster but all array disks are accessed during a write. This trades power consumption for improved write performance. The standard method only accesses the target data drive and the parity drive, albeit each one twice.


How does this increase performance by so much - this world is very different to my old HArdware RAID 5 setup!


Thanks in advance :-)


It changes the parity update algorithm so that writes are faster but all array disks are accessed during a write. This trades power consumption for improved write performance. The standard method only accesses the target data drive and the parity drive, albeit each one twice.


How does this increase performance by so much - this world is very different to my old HArdware RAID 5 setup!


Thanks in advance :-)


A standard write to a protected array requires 4 disk I/O operations.    First, the sector being written to and the corresponding parity sector are read;  then the new data is written to the data drive, and based on the changes in the bits from what WAS there, parity is updated and written to the parity disk.


A "turbo write" skips the initial read of the data disk and parity disk.    It simply reads all of the other data disks; then writes the new data and the computed parity.  So basically it writes the new data while reading all the other data disks; then writes the parity sector.    This eliminates the initial read of the data disk ... saving one full rotation of the disk.    This can make writes significantly faster, as long as all of the disks are spun up.


Note that for the normal process, only the disk being written to and the parity disk need to be spun up.    A "turbo write' requires that all disks are spinning.




Thanks so much for explaining Gary - I am sure I will click with it all soon :-)


It does lead me on to another questions - What to have in my Disk Settings?


I notice that out of the box Enable Auto Start is no, Default Spin Down Delay is never etc etc


I am guessing that both form a Heat / Power & Longevity point of view we wont the drives to sleep - any pointers for some good settings to work form?






Auto Start simply means you want the array to start when you boot the system -- most folks probably turn this on; but if you prefer to look at the Web GUI after you boot and before the array is started, then leave it off.


Default spin down is just what it says ... if you want the drives to spin 24/7 you can leave it at "never" => this will provide the quickest response when you access the array, but the drives will always be spinning.  I suspect most folks prefer to have unused drives spun down.    What to set them to depends on your usage pattern ... if you tend to use them throughout the day, you may want this set fairly high (a couple hours) so they're not likely to spin down in-between uses;  if you don't mind a short delay while a drive (or drives) spin up, then you can make it relatively short (30-45 minutes).



How do I move data from old server to a new one with only 1 unRAID Pro license? If I pull out a data drive from an old server, will I be able to connect it to a new server and copy files from it?


Purchase a new key or move all you drives into the new system. Then upgrade the drives in place to the new drives.



How do I move data from old server to a new one with only 1 unRAID Pro license? If I pull out a data drive from an old server, will I be able to connect it to a new server and copy files from it?


Purchase a new key or move all you drives into the new system. Then upgrade the drives in place to the new drives.

The data drives can be put in a new server if you do New Config. If you don't do New Config and instead try to add them as new data drives unRAID will clear them.


If you don't want them as array drives in the new server, but instead just want to attach them temporarily while you copy the data from them to new drives, you can use the Unassigned Devices plugin.


The other thing you can do is turn on "Turbo writes".  Type this in at a console or SSH "mdcmd set md_write_method 1".  That speeds my writes upto 100Meg/sec.  This way you can have your parity and move stuff to the new box.


How would one turn this off after turning it on if we wanted to go back to the vanilla way of working.






The other thing you can do is turn on "Turbo writes".  Type this in at a console or SSH "mdcmd set md_write_method 1".  That speeds my writes upto 100Meg/sec.  This way you can have your parity and move stuff to the new box.


How would one turn this off after turning it on if we wanted to go back to the vanilla way of working.





mdcmd set md_write_method 0


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