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UnRAID Virgin seeks Gentle Introduction to the Pleasures of KVM


I have a 3 monitor Windows system right now. I'm considering UnRAID after dithering with other ideas for some years (and trying FlexRaid and others). The KVM virtualization appeals and would enable me to dump extra machines. But I would want to have still on my base UnRAID system:


Screen 1 - Win 10 VM with GTX970 for games (passed through) own KB & Mouse & Screen

Screen 2 - Mac OS X VM with GTX750 (supported with Nvidia drivers if passed through) own KB & Mouse & Screen

Screen 3 - AROS or Linux VM with GT630 (passed through) & Realtek Sound (passed through) own KB & Mouse & Screen


Q1: Is that feasible at all?


Q2: If I was running on a CPU with Intel graphics could they be passed through at all (for Mac or AROS/Linux)? I think I read no somewhere. If not then I assume I would need the 3 graphics cards indicated.


Q3: Would all 3 VMs need to be live at boot or could I boot as needed and switch on monitor to match whichever VM I booted? I would have to always boot at least one VM I assume to be able to get some output to a monitor and be able to access the UnRAID host. I'd rather just autoboot into one VM with Intel graphics passed through if I could.


Thanks for any advice. I havent seen any monster KVM setups yet to compare to what I would like to do.

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Yes, but I would need at least one VM to have the machine supply me with some sort of desktop to work on... so one VM has to autoboot and 2 could sit waiting to be booted manually? I have been watching Jonp's videos (very useful) but I don't think I have my head round it all yet

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