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Added a drive to the array as BTRFS...


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Welp back when 6.0 came out i was having trouble adding a SSD as a cache drive as BTRFS so i just set the default file system to that and got the think working.


Well that came back to bite me in the arse because now i just added my first post 6.0 drive to the array, aaaaaand its BTRFS.  Will this be a problem?  Right now the array is reiser and one butter,  I never migrated it to xfs.

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Mixing file system types isn't an issue.  But as this is a new drive (and likely doesn't have any content yet - or at least not much) NOW would be the time if you'd prefer to use XFS.


If that's the case, just Stop the array; change the file system type for that drive; and then Start the array.  The drive will then be shown as not mountable ... you just check the box that says it's okay to format it, and click on the button -- and a couple minutes later it will be formatted.    You should also change the default file system type to XFS, if that's what you'd prefer for new drives.


Note that you will lose ALL content on the drive if you reformat it -- so if you have copied anything to it, be sure to save it elsewhere before making the change.


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