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Disk disabled during parity check


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Hi folks,

I had disk disabled due to a read error 3 days ago. As drive cages are part of the system I have checked all the connections for a loose cable, re-seated the drive and followed the procedure for rebuilding it.

The rebuild process went fine and the drive came back online. The parity has been checked as the system "advised me" to do so. The parity check was with a "write corrections" option enabled when i started it.

When the procedure was completed by nearly 90% the disk was disabled again and the log file was full of errors.

I've checked everything again and even attached the disk to the other controller and different cage. This led me to the same situation. Smart test has been executed showing no errors.

Please check my syslog and please advise what to do.

Do I need a new disk to rebuild onto?





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I ran a non-correcting parity check. This time the process finished with errors but at least the drive was not kicked out of the array.

No smart errors have been reported. Does this means that my parity is not correct? And what do I need to do in order to make it right?

I am uploading my diagnostic files and a screenshot showing the errors reported during the parity check.






According to the screenshot bellow there are some problems with the drive (critical medium error) but the smart report is clear.





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Dunno if you have the option, but there's a known problem with the SAS2LP controllers.  You show a SASLP card, and I don't know if the problem exists there as well ... but if you can move the drives off that particular controller, it's worth a test.


It's a long thread, but you can skip to the last few pages as it covers a lot of what we found:




Good luck!

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