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Difficulty backing up Flash


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I'm running an old version of Unraid (with Plex)...version 5.0.RC6.R8168-test2 and it is running perfectly.


I am going to upgrade to the latest version of Unraid and Plex, but before I start, I would like to backup my current version Flash device but am having problems.


I have a new flash drive and formatted it as UNRAID.  I made it bootable and installed the above version of UNRAID from the original Zip file that I used a few years ago.


I then copied over the additional folders, etc relating to Plex as well as the original Config folder and brought up my server.


I then acquired a key for this flash device and the box boots up fine, but only shows 2 of my 3 disks.


What am I doing wrong that is preventing all of my disks from showing.


Thanks alot for your help.




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The Main Unraid WebGui screen only shows 2 disk devices assigned (plus one parity), and I normally have 3 disks (plus one parity).


I thought it might be a licensing issue, but I got a new license for the new flash device that should allow more than 3 drives...I think the original unlicensed version allows 2 drives.




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The Main Unraid WebGui screen only shows 2 disk devices assigned (plus one parity), and I normally have 3 disks (plus one parity).


I thought it might be a licensing issue, but I got a new license for the new flash device that should allow more than 3 drives...I think the original unlicensed version allows 2 drives.




The config folder on flash contains a file named super.dat. It is this file that stores your disk assignments. If you delete that file or don't copy it to a new flash, then you will have to assign all your disks again. Also, when you set a new configuration (don't remember exactly how you do that on your version, maybe under Utils) that file will be recreated when you make your disk assignments and start the array.


If you boot up and you are missing a disk that was stored in config/super.dat, unRAID will say you have a missing disk and will not let you start until you fix that problem, either by putting that drive in, another drive in its place to rebuild onto, or by setting a new configuration without the drive.


Whether you start without config/super.dat or you set a new configuration and then start, unRAID will rebuild parity.


Now I don't know exactly how this plays out in your version. You shouldn't be running RC anyway since v5 stable has been out for a long time. Probably one of the biggest problems you can have when you aren't using a current version is nobody who frequently posts in the forum to help people will be running the version you have.


What I have said above about super.dat is the reason I don't understand your problem as you have described it. It shouldn't let you start if you are missing a drive unless you started over with your drive assignments at which time it would have rebuilt parity.


If unRAID says you have a missing disk then that would make sense, but that is not what you have described. If it does say you have a missing disk, then it may just be a connection problem. Does the BIOS see the missing drive?


If instead you have rebuilt parity without the disk, then that fact is missing from your description.


Maybe you can give me a better and more complete description of how you got to this point and include a screenshot.


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Thank you for the thorough reply.


I am in the process of upgrading to the latest Unraid, but just thought it wise to backup my current flash drive in case it gets ruined with all of the inserting and removing as I work on upgrading.


My only goal here really is to create a backup of my current flash device in case the original should go bad during the interim period of my upgrade.


I probably don't even need to do this at this point (actually I should have done it much sooner), but will feel more comfortable with a clone of my current device.


So in a nutshell, here is what I did:


1) Formatted new Flash device as UNRAID and made it bootable.


2) Installed Unraid Version 5.0.RC6.R8168-test2 from original Zip file used in current working Flash device.


3) Copied all additional files and folders (including CONFIG) from working flash to new flash.


4) Brought server down...inserted new flash and brought server up.


Main screen is only showing 2 of my 3 drives.


I'm at work now...will be home later.  I'll send a few screenshots of my "good" Main WebGUI screen and my new "not good" Main screen.


Thanks again for your interest and help.




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I have a license...I think I have properly obtained and installed a new license specifically for this device, but that might be worth looking into more thoroughly.


I sort of mentioned that in an earlier post...I think the unlicensed version supported two data disks.


If the license is wrong that could be why the 3rd isn't showing up.


I'll do more research when I get home...


Thank you.


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Here is a screen shot of the Syslog using the Backup Flash that is not showing all of the drives.


Also are screenshots of the Main WebGUI screen with the working flash and the backup flash with the missing disk.


I have sent an email to LimeTech requesting a new key for the backup flash in case I didn't obtain it properly the first time.


Thanks again...





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Thanks to everyone for your help.


At this point, since I'm really just trying to create a backup prior to upgrading Unraid, I'm going to what Limetech has advised regarding backing up my flash and not waste any more time.


I need to get moving on my upgrade.


For anyone interested, here is what I was told to do (hopefully this would work if needed and hopefully it won't be needed!!!)



You actually do not need a registration key for the backup flash device.  Simply copy the entire contents of your primary flash device to the secondary flash device and use the make_bootable tool like you normally would.  Should the primary flash device completely fail on you, boot up off the secondary and when the UI loads, simply go to Tools -> Registration and select "replace key" to transfer your registration to the new flash device.


If during your upgrade you simply need to revert back to the previous version of unRAID (meaning your primary flash device didn't fail, but you simply need to roll back to the previous version), simply remove the files from the primary flash and replace them with what you backed up on the secondary flash, and run the make_bootable tool again.



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