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Plex docker taking up a massive amount of space [Solved]


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Currently I am using Needo PMS docker and got a batch of movies completed and put onto the array.


I only have 156 movies for now, but I do have all of the extras in there as well.

My movie share shows the following:

2215 files, 421 folders


I made a share called appdata and got the properties of my PMS folder and it is showing the following:

1.36GB size

17.9GB Size on disk

25955 files, 10496 folders


So there are clearly a lot of thumbnails being made for my extras as I have 2k files and only 156 movies, granted some of these are xml data for the movies, background art, etc as well.  Could these thumbnails be chewing up 10+ gig though?  What else could be swallowing up space in the docker container?



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Currently I am using Needo PMS docker and got a batch of movies completed and put onto the array.


I only have 156 movies for now, but I do have all of the extras in there as well.

My movie share shows the following:

2215 files, 421 folders


I made a share called appdata and got the properties of my PMS folder and it is showing the following:

1.36GB size

17.9GB Size on disk

25955 files, 10496 folders


So there are clearly a lot of thumbnails being made for my extras as I have 2k files and only 156 movies, granted some of these are xml data for the movies, background art, etc as well.  Could these thumbnails be chewing up 10+ gig though?  What else could be swallowing up space in the docker container?

for Plex, getting the size of the share via Windows isn't accurate probably due to symlinks, etc (ie: if I do that, the size on disk reported by Windows is larger than my cache drive)
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I tried to install the krusader docker to accomplish this but it failed to start.  Switching from bridged to host at least let it start but unraid menu is on the same port.  So will try to switch the port it runs on and see what happens.


root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="Krusader" --net="bridge" -e WIDTH="1420" -e HEIGHT="720" -e TZ="America/Chicago" -p 8080:8080/tcp -v "/mnt/user/":"/UNRAID":rw -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/krusader":"/nobody/.kde":rw sparklyballs/krusader



Error response from daemon: Cannot start container 52778a0a9b4faf4f687ed44b0e91322d042a8c4afe60736bf201b70e49cf4500: Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use


The command failed.

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Switched back to bridge mode and tried to change the port.  It just kept landing at the unraid menu page.  I'm open to other suggestions, I don't know enough about docker containers and how all the mappings work to bother guessing at it.


Post a screenshot of your krusader set up

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Krusader reported about the same statistics for the plex container:


26670 files, 10497 folders


It looks like the bulk of the appdata space being taken up is coming from an old install of the LT plexmediaserver which was taking up 7.4GB.  I deleted this appdata and all is well.  Thanks for the tip on just changing the host port, adding that to my list of unraid notes :)


No idea why the old dockers appdata was taking up so much space though.

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