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Plex SLOW after update.


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I'm a busy boy and haven't had a lot of time to fiddle with my server but after shutting down and moving it to another (it's original) room this weekend I discovered and fixed numerous issues that came up.


First, I couldn't seem to restart or reload any installed Dockers. In researching why, I discovered I need to set those shares to "cache only" for starters (which is helpful) and then needed to also do an unRAID update. Done and A-OK.


However, my reloaded github version of Plex was slow and/or not functioning and giving me errors that my Roku and Chrome (desktop web GUI) could not access the server. Upon researching that I discovered I should be using the newer Linux hosted versions of the Dockers and the Community Apps plugin. So I removed my existing Dockers and installed the Community Apps plugin. Done and A-OK again.


I then used the new Community Apps plugin in to install the Linux hosted versions of Transmission and Plex. So far so good. Transmission functions fine and Plex appears to load fine at first allowing me to at least view my TV series again (which I couldn't with the github version) and wasn't getting any  "can't access server" errors. However, it is still PAINFULLY slow to load anything and I can't seem to find any fixes for that after Googling it. So far the solutions I've seen are basically" Just wait for the next Plex update".


So I'm at a bit of road block of sorting this out on my own. Anyone else having similar problems and know of a solution?



Kind of a shame as both the server and Plex were ROCK solid prior to updating...lol

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Looks like you had a misconfiguration at some point and a bunch of bogus shares were created, looks like it might be from Plex.  Might want to clean those up and make sure you point Plex and other dockers to your appdata folder for config location.  Also your BIOS is eight revisions behind current, may want to update that at some point.

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Looks like you had a misconfiguration at some point and a bunch of bogus shares were created, looks like it might be from Plex.  Might want to clean those up and make sure you point Plex and other dockers to your appdata folder for config location.  Also your BIOS is eight revisions behind current, may want to update that at some point.

I think his share names and other stuff has just been anonymized in the diagnostics, or did you see something else that makes you think he has bogus shares?
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Looks like you had a misconfiguration at some point and a bunch of bogus shares were created, looks like it might be from Plex.  Might want to clean those up and make sure you point Plex and other dockers to your appdata folder for config location.  Also your BIOS is eight revisions behind current, may want to update that at some point.

I think his share names and other stuff has just been anonymized in the diagnostics, or did you see something else that makes you think he has bogus shares?


Share.cfg and the log..looks like Plex filesystem database entries.  Also going with the assumption that the share.cfg would be removed from the diag archive vs. anonymize every entry.


Edit:  Trurl, your probably right as he hid his unRAID license key so likely the share names are anonymized as well.


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Had a bit of a family emergency yesterday, so just getting back to this...


I should probably relocate my Transmission info to the appdata folder (that got put there as at one point unRAID wouldn't let you save app data to the cache drive if I recall). Plex's config is already pointing there though so that doesn't really explain the slowness.


Not sure what bogus folders you're referring to either. My shares all appear to be the ones I've created...


Bios...yes some day...lol (Gordie I hate being so @#$'ing busy!)


Any other input?

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... at one point unRAID wouldn't let you save app data to the cache drive if I recall). Plex's config is already pointing there though so that doesn't really explain the slowness.

The recommendation has always been to put appdata in a cache-only share.


From the command line what do you get with

ls -lah /mnt/user0

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... at one point unRAID wouldn't let you save app data to the cache drive if I recall). Plex's config is already pointing there though so that doesn't really explain the slowness.

The recommendation has always been to put appdata in a cache-only share.


From the command line what do you get with

ls -lah /mnt/user0


I'll try tonight/this weekend when I get home and get back to ya :)

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I haven't actually had time to touch the server but when I got home Friday, Plex magically started working fine again...


Did it possibly just need a couple days to fully compile my media collection? It's 'only' a few TB. I mean that's not small but it's nowhere near what a lot of folks are running.


I don't know if this is considered [solved] but I'm glad it's working normally again.

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