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[SOLVED]Weird Folder appear in my user share


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this folder is only visible in midnight commander

could not remove thru command line (rm -r) or midnight commander.

whole folder appear as empty in windows explorer or unraid webgui user share


i started to move all the files in that share folder to newly created share folder




appreciate any kind of help.



edit: no idea what happended but i got it fixed.


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Not sure I understand what you are trying to show in that screenshot. If you are talking about how Windows isn't showing anything in the Movies folder I suspect it is because you have more than one movies share, one named "Movies" and another with the same name except for upper/lowercase, such as "movies", and that one is empty. Windows cannot tell the difference since it isn't case-sensitive and will only show you one of them. Possibly you have accidentally created one with some application configured to use "movies" instead of "Movies" or something like that.

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