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Can't access plex media server webgui

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Hi All


I've just installed my unraid server and struggeling with setting up my first docker which is Plex Media Server.

The configuration is show below and the "/config" file points to the cache folder on my SSD. But after installing the docker I'm not able to access the plex media server via the webgui, which in my case is . I have assigned port 32401 because my current plex media server is already using this port.

I have forwarded the server ip and port in my router so this should be in place.

One thing though that I have noticed is the according to the docker the folder "/config" should contain the plex media server configurations but I can't see this folder in the "cache" folder on the SSD.

The container repository I've used is the default one" https://github.com/limetech/docker-templates" which already inserted when docker is activated.





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Plex needs to run in host mode unless you map a ton of other ports (buried in threads at plex.tv)


Net result is that you're going to be stuck using 32400 (which isn't an issue unless your other plex server is also running on your server)


Unfortunately changing from "Bridge" to "Host" didn't help. I still see these permission warnings.

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The two have nothing to do with each other.  Plex basically won't run unless in host mode (which then requires 32400)


The permissions issue, IDK.  I run linuxserver's Plex which as one advantage automatically checks and assigns the correct permissions everytime it starts up


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The two have nothing to do with each other.  Plex basically won't run unless in host mode (which then requires 32400)


The permissions issue, IDK.  I run linuxserver's Plex which as one advantage automatically checks and assigns the correct permissions everytime it starts up


I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. What do you mean by "Plex basically won't run unless in host mode"? If it's not  the "Network Type" setting where the values available are "Bridge", "Host" or "None"? Even when changing port to 32400 I can't access the plex webgui.

This is all new to me, it would help if you could clarify this to me in other words.

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I do not use Plex but the mapping for the /config folder inside the container looks wrong.  It is being mapped directly /mnt/cache whereas I would expect it to be something more like /mnt/cache/appdata/plex.  The normal approach is to have an 'appdata' share that is set to be cache only, and then within this have a folder to hold app specific settings.

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Setting Network type to "Host" doesn't help as I wrote earlier.

The /config folder which should contain the plex media server configs is not created because of the permission errors.

The folder "/mnt/cache" is the folder on the cache SSD disk, this disk is not shared, should it be?


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Setting Network type to "Host" doesn't help as I wrote earlier.

The /config folder which should contain the plex media server configs is not created because of the permission errors.

The folder "/mnt/cache" is the folder on the cache SSD disk, this disk is not shared, should it be?

No it is not.  /mnt/cache refers directly to the cache drive - not to a folder on it.  This is the internal Linux reference to the cache drive and is independent of sharing.  If you used the suggestion of a cache-only share called appdata and then decided to hold plex specific setting in a plex folder within that then the mapping for /config would be to /mnt/cache/appdata/plex.
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3 words...

I love you  ;)


Did as you suggested, created the "appdata/plex" directories and voila, was able to get to the webgui.

Thanks for your patience both of you.


Btw, so should I use the same procedure for future containers? I mean should I point to the "appdata/containerfolder" instead of the "cache" folder?

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3 words...

I love you  ;)


Did as you suggested, created the "appdata/plex" directories and voila, was able to get to the webgui.

Thanks for your patience both of you.


Btw, so should I use the same procedure for future containers? I mean should I point to the "appdata/containerfolder" instead of the "cache" folder?

Yes - you never want anything in the root of the cache except folders that correspond to shares.  The recommendation would be to have a folder under /mnt/cache/appdata corresponding to whatever application you are trying to install.
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  • 3 years later...

I just rebooted my unraid server for the first time and I now have the same error.  I cannot access the webui.  Also, local lan users and remote users show the server "unavailable" too.

My settings:

transcode -> /mnt/cache/appdata/Plex/transcode/

data -> /mnt/cache/appdata/Plex/

network type -> host

It was working fine until the reboot.  I did not change any settings.  I appreciate in advance any help.

Thank you.


P.S.  I just notice in the Plex Docker Log, the words "Starting Plex Server" are logging over and over again.  It appears the server cannot start Plex for some reason.  I hope this helps.


Edited by Happier with Unraid
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