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How mature is the dual parity in the latest beta?


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I've got a lot of drives, some getting fairly old. I'm starting to build a new array and would like to have dual parity. I know there is always a risk with beta software but UnRAID's betas have always been very reliable. I really don't want to wait until the final release for dual parity. Are there going to be any major changes to dual parity that would make transitioning to the final release difficult once it comes out? Has anyone running dual parity had any major issues?

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There were some dual parity related bugs in the first betas, nothing related to data integrety, I upgraded my 4 largest servers to dual parity with beta18 and beta19, all are working fine, I accept there is some risk using beta software, but in my view it's much riskier using large servers with single parity.

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My first question to you would be do you have a backup of your data?


I am in a similar situation as you, but I am considering trying the beta on by backup server so if it blows up I am not going to lose anything.


Well, I'm kind of in the process of getting that sorted out, which is why I'm looking at dual parity. I've got a fairly large array so local backups would be... expensive. In the long run I plan on backing up to the cloud. I work at a school and we have Google Apps so as part of that I get a Gmail account and unlimited storage space on my Google Drive. I also have unlimited storage space on my Amazon Cloud Drive. I may even go with a third one I saw that I can't recall that was very cheap, encrypted, and meant for this kind of thing. I already got over 2TB backed up to Google (encrypted and no complaints from them) but the internet speeds suck around here though so uploading to the cloud is going to take years, literally. Although, had I started uploading it when I first had the idea, it would have been done by now... We should be getting gigabit speeds this summer though. I wish I could just use the gigabit network at work but that's not going to happen. So, long story short, no, I don't really have backups, which is why more parity is so important, until I can get there.

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