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Telegraf Agent for InfluxDB/Grafana Dashboard?


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Has anyone either setup a Telegraf agent directly or made a plugin/docker container for collecting their unRAID server stats for a separate InfluxDB/Grafana server?

I'm most interested in monitoring the network access of unRAID and cpu/memory status as I run various containers and/or VMs.

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  • 1 month later...

Nevermind.  Found the right Docker image: https://hub.docker.com/r/jjungnickel/telegraf/


hey jedimstr -- did you get telegraf up and running on your box?


I got mine all setup and working. CPU/Memory/uptime are working in grafana. I'm now to the point where I need to get network and disk stats. Got any tips for that?


Primarily I need to know how to add the network metrics, and somehow pass my array disks to the docker container so I can grab stats from them. Not sure how to proceed. Any info would be great!



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  • 4 weeks later...

Yup, working great for me.

For the drives, just make sure /mnt/ is assigned on Host Path 4 and for Network set Network Type to Host.


For additional SNMP network stats from my network switches and to set the InfluxDB Host I modified the telegraf.conf in appdata/telegraf (derived from telegraf.conf.tpl), but by default all drives and networks are monitored as long as you have the assignments correct in the Container config.


Once you have Telegraf feeding InfluxDB correctly, you can experiment with the data you get.


Here's an example for the network stats:




And here's my dashboard for my unRAID server:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Can you share a screenshot of your volume mappings and everything else? Or maybe the xml template file you used? I've tried with the official telegraf docker image and I'm not getting any data into influxdb. I now have the host 'unraid' but no data associated with it.


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For the drives, just make sure /mnt/ is assigned on Host Path 4


Slightly confused by this statement, I understand how to assign, but what does "Host Path 4" mean? Here's the docker command I'm preparing:


docker run -t -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v "/mnt":"??" --name="telegraf" --net="host" -e INFLUXDB_URL= -e HOSTNAME=tower jjungnickel/telegraf


What would I need to map /mnt to?


Thanks jedimstr!

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This is my docker run command:

docker run -d --name="telegraf" --net="bridge" --privileged="true" -e HOST_PROC="/rootfs/proc" -e HOST_SYS="/rootfs/sys" -e HOST_MOUNT_PREFIX="/rootfs" -e HOST_ETC="/rootfs/etc" -e TZ="America/Denver" -v "/mnt/user/appdata/telegraf/telegraf.conf":"/etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf":ro -v "/proc":"/rootfs/proc":ro -v "/":"/rootfs":ro -v "/var/run/docker.sock":"/var/run/docker.sock":ro -v "/sys":"/rootfs/sys":ro -v "/etc":"/rootfs/etc":ro telegraf


This requires you to put in your own telegrafl.conf file at /mnt/user/appdata/telegraf/telegraf.conf


This has been working for me. The only thing that doesn't look right is my network sent and received. Haven't figured that out yet. But everything else is accurate.


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This is my docker run command:

docker run -d --name="telegraf" --net="bridge" --privileged="true" -e HOST_PROC="/rootfs/proc" -e HOST_SYS="/rootfs/sys" -e HOST_MOUNT_PREFIX="/rootfs" -e HOST_ETC="/rootfs/etc" -e TZ="America/Denver" -v "/mnt/user/appdata/telegraf/telegraf.conf":"/etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf":ro -v "/proc":"/rootfs/proc":ro -v "/":"/rootfs":ro -v "/var/run/docker.sock":"/var/run/docker.sock":ro -v "/sys":"/rootfs/sys":ro -v "/etc":"/rootfs/etc":ro telegraf


This requires you to put in your own telegrafl.conf file at /mnt/user/appdata/telegraf/telegraf.conf


This has been working for me. The only thing that doesn't look right is my network sent and received. Haven't figured that out yet. But everything else is accurate.


Two things about the way Network sent and received are set in Telegraf.

[*]Data is stored as BYTES

[*]Data is progressive total


To get your sent and received you need to *8 the values to get bits per second and then to translate the values into recognizable graphs you have to use non_negative_derivative which will track the changes in value rather than just spouting out the growing total.




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For the drives, just make sure /mnt/ is assigned on Host Path 4


Slightly confused by this statement, I understand how to assign, but what does "Host Path 4" mean? Here's the docker command I'm preparing:


docker run -t -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v "/mnt":"??" --name="telegraf" --net="host" -e INFLUXDB_URL= -e HOSTNAME=tower jjungnickel/telegraf


What would I need to map /mnt to?


Thanks jedimstr!


I meant in the unRAID interface for the Docker Container for "Host Path 4".  The reason you want to map /mnt in the container is to have recognizable /disk1 - /diskn and /user available for any storage based stats in InfluxDB.    I also mapped the customized config file as well as "Host Path 2" /mnt/cache/appdata/telegraf/telegraf.conf.tpl to Container Path: /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf.tpl .


Here are my mappings in my Telegraf Container settings:



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Thanks to all the information in this thread, I was finally able to get my grafana setup and working. However, I am running into some difficulty getting my graphs to display correctly and I was hoping that you guys wouldn't mind sharing some of your queries/config for your graphs. Specifically, I am looking for some help getting a singlestat to display my entire array and cache pool. I can see that @jedimstr and @atribe both have this on their dashboards and it looks great. Here's what I have now, one singlestat for each disk but I can't seem to find the right query to combine all the disks into one singlestat.


Also, I get a strange error when I view my dashboard on the first load (Invalid dimensions for plot, width = 600, height = 0). If I hit the refresh button on the top-right it will go away and display correctly, but that is kinda annoying. Any ideas you all have for a fix for this issue would also be appreciated. I'm just getting started with grafana and just trying to gain some knowledge.






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@majestic I've attached a screenshot of my grafana query. In short it is simply plotting the usage of /mnt/user.


I also get the error you've seen, but its only there until the page finishes loading all of the metrics. I've seen some of the gauge panels not work after I've edited them until I save, go to a different dashboard and then go back.


Also, I fixed my network output by changing this docker container from --net="bridge" to --net="host".



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  • 1 month later...

This is my docker run command:

docker run -d --name="telegraf" --net="bridge" --privileged="true" -e HOST_PROC="/rootfs/proc" -e HOST_SYS="/rootfs/sys" -e HOST_MOUNT_PREFIX="/rootfs" -e HOST_ETC="/rootfs/etc" -e TZ="America/Denver" -v "/mnt/user/appdata/telegraf/telegraf.conf":"/etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf":ro -v "/proc":"/rootfs/proc":ro -v "/":"/rootfs":ro -v "/var/run/docker.sock":"/var/run/docker.sock":ro -v "/sys":"/rootfs/sys":ro -v "/etc":"/rootfs/etc":ro telegraf


This requires you to put in your own telegrafl.conf file at /mnt/user/appdata/telegraf/telegraf.conf


This has been working for me. The only thing that doesn't look right is my network sent and received. Haven't figured that out yet. But everything else is accurate.


I'm struggling to get telegraf working. Here is my docker run command:

docker run -d --name="telegraf" --net="host" --privileged="true" -e INFLUXDB_URL="" -e HOSTNAME="tower" -e HOST_PROC="/rootfs/proc" -e HOST_SYS="/rootfs/sys" -e HOST_MOUNT_PREFIX="/rootfs" -e HOST_ETC="/rootfs/etc" -e TZ="Europe/London" -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/telegraf":"/etc/telegraf":ro -v "/mnt":"/mnt":ro -v "/var/run/docker.sock":"/var/run/docker.sock":ro -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/telegraf/telegraf.conf.tpl":"/etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf.tpl":ro -v "/proc":"/rootfs/proc":ro -v "/":"/rootfs":ro -v "/sys":"/rootfs/sys":ro -v "/etc":"/rootfs/etc":ro jjungnickel/telegraf


Keeps exiting without doing anything.

I have the standard telegraph.conf file in as telegraph.conf.tpl


Is there anything special I need to add into the telegraph.conf?


Any idea what's wrong? I can get the admin screen of influxdb OK, but nil gets into it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can we start a dashboard sharing repository also? :) I would like to produce this for myself also...


Do you mean a repo for the json grafana uses? I'm not sure what that would look like at the moment. But I did add influxdb and grafana to community apps. So its pretty easy to set this all up now.

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Is there any chance we can get untelegraf updated to the latest version? I'm running into an issue with it outputting metric to influxDB. I found the following post which pretty much describes the change that was made....




Thanks for the heads up, the latest tag for that repo was still on 0.13.2. I switched it to use tag telegraf-1.0. You can refresh community apps or you can manually change the repo (use the advanced view) to appcelerator/telegraf:telegraf-1.0.

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Thanks a bunch! Unfortunately it doesn't look like this fixed the issue. I'm still getting the "retention policy not found" error in telegraf log. Does influxDB have to be updated as well? I'm not sure what version the influxDB docker is on compared to what is out now. Thanks for looking into this!

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Thanks a bunch! Unfortunately it doesn't look like this fixed the issue. I'm still getting the "retention policy not found" error in telegraf log. Does influxDB have to be updated as well? I'm not sure what version the influxDB docker is on compared to what is out now. Thanks for looking into this!


Did you check to make sure you updated it properly? From the command line you can type "docker exec -it untelegraf bash" and then "telegraf --version". It should say "Telegraf - version 1.0.0".

You could try nuking influxdb and recreating it. Maybe the create statement from telegraf was botched and needs to be redone (I guess you could just delete the telegraf database in influxdb and then recreate your telegraf container.)


As far as the influxdb I have in the community apps it uses the alpine tag, which is at version 1.0.0.


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Just an update on things....


I nuked influxDB and unTelegraf, and the issue still persists. Made sure appdata was deleted for influx as well. I'm not really sure what is going on here now. I thought it would of been as simple as updating telegraf.


I'd be interested to know if anyone else can replicate this from a clean install of Influx and Telegraf.

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Just an update on things....


I nuked influxDB and unTelegraf, and the issue still persists. Made sure appdata was deleted for influx as well. I'm not really sure what is going on here now. I thought it would of been as simple as updating telegraf.


I'd be interested to know if anyone else can replicate this from a clean install of Influx and Telegraf.


I've tracked down the problem, and there is an easy work around.

The work around: in the influxdb admin interface run the following command: CREATE RETENTION POLICY "default" ON "telegraf" DURATION 30d REPLICATION 1 DEFAULT


The issue: Influxdb changed the name of the default retention policy to autogen. The image I'm using hasn't updated the telegraf.conf file it uses to reflect that. I've submitted a pull request, so they could fix it soon. Until then you can just create a retention policy named default.

I'm also planning on adding vanilla telegraf to community apps, however, this will require you to create your own telegraf.conf file. But this does let you be much more flexible, compared to using environment variables.

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