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Is there such a plugin as VOIP intercom?


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I was wondering if such a plugin or even a docker was available that acts like a voip intercom that can be used very simply with a tablet or raspberry client?


I have seen teamspeak and mumble but wanted something super simple.


Example tablet in kitchen with nice app/web gui can press a button and sends voice message to another tablet client in loft room



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  • 3 months later...

Im looking for something like this as well, this and SIP support would be perfect! Skype for business could work but not on raspberry pi :( and i don't want to set up an active domain. A software that can do this and is free and open source would be even better. I already searched for something like this but couldn't find any software that can do what we need without being extremely expensive and confusing.

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Could be wrong but I'm guessing a docker or vm containing asterisk + having whatever softphone app for tablets would give you an intercom.

I am trying to build one. but some people might find deploying incredible pbx or similar (on a pi  or as a VM) to be enough - might go that way if I get over some of my pride ...

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