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How Close to Full Capacity is OK?


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I've always attempted to keep a decent amount of available disk space on any system I've used, not filling drives too close to capacity.  Is there a guideline for such with unRAID?  I just built a system and underestimated how much storage I would need to start (mainly because I've come up with additional uses of my new NAS that I didn't expect right away).


I have another 6tb drive on order and it should be here by Friday.  But at this time, my existing data drive is at about 95% capacity.  Am I OK or should I move off some data until I get the new drive installed?


The drives in my system now include a 6tb data drive, 6tb parity drive, and 480gb SSD cache drive.


Thank you in advance for the guidance.

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... Since we're on the subject. How full can you fill a drive on ReiserFS,  and still be safe?


As full as you want.  12 of the 14 drives on my media server show 100% full ... they actually have between 17MB and 1.2GB free (all but one have < 1GB).    And they're all Reiser disks.


There's NO read "penalty" with a very-full drive;  but writes ARE notably slower with very-full Reiser disks.  But they still work fine; and for static data (e.g. media files) there's no reason not to simply fill up the drives.


My other servers are both set up with all-XFS drives; and there is clearly an improvement in writes to drives as they become very close to full (98% +).    So for a new server I'd use XFS, but there's no compelling reason to switch existing full drives from RFS if their content is essentially static.


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