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Issues with xHCI passthrough (two physical USB3.0 xHCI controllers)


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after my original post got no replies I reverted back to unRAID 6.1.9 for the time being to continue testing with Win10 VMs.



Then I thought, maybe the problem with the xHCI passthrough was caused by the fact that my motherboard just has one xHCI Controller with 6 USB3.0 and 6 USB2.0 ports each.


So I bought a PCIe USB3.0 card and installed it. The flash memory for unRAID is plugged into this new expansion card.


I went back to unRAID 6.2 beta23 and tried again.


As you can see from the attached screenshots, both xHCI controllers are now listed under the system devices and they are in separate IOMMU groups. Sounds like everything should work this time.


Unfortunately in the webGUI dialog to create a new VM there is no entry for any USB controller anymore. Previously I could select either the EHCI or XCHI controller (both being the onboard one).


Reading the announcement post for 6.2 beta 18 I tried to stub the PCIe USB controller.

Unfortunately there is no vendor/product ID in brackets in the lines under system devices (see Screenshot).

I ended up using the ID found under USB devices (1d6b:0003) to identify the PCIe USB controller and made the entry for the boot menu.


Nothing changed. I still don't get any entries for any of the two xHCI controllers in the create VM dialog.


Any suggestions?

Is my general thinking (two physical USB controllers necessary to be able to pass one of them through to VMs as a whole) correct?


Please find screenshots of system devices attached.


Info about the hardware used in the original post.


Thanks a lot!






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Thanks!  :)


Upgrading to 6.2 RC1 solved all problems.


Stubbing the onboard USB 3.0 controller as xHCI with all 10 ports worked like a charm (with unRAID running off of a flash drive connected to the PCI based external USB 3.0 controller).


6.2 RC1 resolved also many other unrelated issues I had. Great work everybody!  :)




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