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Questions on Cache Drive format options


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Make a long story short... I'm having issues with the HDHomeRun Docker where it will record my shows but the DVR service can't actually view the apps. The HDHR DVR creator is suggesting it may be due to the format of my hard drive (reiserfs). They're suggesting I try to run the program off a drive with a different format.


I know that you can format the cache drive to another format.


I have another drive on my unraid that I could assign to a second cache drive but I'm wondering what the best way to go about this.


Last time I was messing around with adding a second cache drive my current cache drive got messed up and it's format got lost so I had to mess around with the unassigned devices plugin to get it back to reiserfs without losing any data.


Should I transfer stuff off of my current cache drive and then reformat it, transfer stuff back onto it... or should I add a second cache drive, hope my current one doesn't get messed up in the process and see if having the HDHR DVR files on the second cache drive under a different format would fix this issue.


If there's anyone reading this that uses HDHR DVR docker successfully on reiserfs let me know because maybe I have another issue.

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