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What should the "Default AppData Storage Location" be for Docker in Unraid 6.2?


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Just upgraded to Unraid 6.2 and way more painless than I was expecting.


I had to delete my docker.img to fix my orphaned container problem, but in the process, I noticed in the advanced settings there was a configuration option for "Default AppData Storage Location" which was set to /mnt/user/appdata.  I expected this to be /mnt/cache/appdata since I've always had my containers store their config on my cache drive (which is backed up by crashplan). 


Not sure if this setting I'm talking about was introduced in 6.2 or I never noticed it in 6.1.




I tried changing this to /mnt/cache/appdata, but the dropdown doesn't even recognize /mnt/cache as a location, and doesn't show sub-folders.  I've checked that the folders are there.


What am I missing?

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