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**VIDEO GUIDE** Running a Raspberry PI as a VM on unRAID using Linux qemu

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  • 4 years later...


has there been any developments to getting Raspberry Pi VM  to run as a VM without the need of Ubuntu fedora etc

i trying to do ubunutu 20.  >>vm of Raspberry Pi >>> USB MODEM(DialUP)  so i can run a caller ID so my mother with getting older harder to see so trying to get Caller ID program i using on a Pi to work on unraid so my Server can handle it.. i took apart my current Pi RetroPi  to get ..  

i did try  img'ing my SD card  then coverted to qcow2  and ran it in the Seabios and the other.. neither worked..  i tried to install qeum  on ubuntu  20  but its having issues.. so i downloading  Fedora  since you like it..  since the steps probably work better.. but i just curious if  any updates since its been 4 yrs  since you made video and if there has been any developements or still need to do your work around


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so i tried your video and since its been deprecated  i tried fixing it but i cant get it to work really


i fixed the setup code  your video and the rpi zip were 2 different..  so i edited the setup file to work .  not big deal

i got the to the part for the startssh..  but since  redir  has be depreciated  and replaced with netdev i been having issues trying to update it so i can get Raspberry running  and then upgraded to the latest version

im also r unning Fedora 33

would you happen to know the latest  code to alter it  so she will run   here is screen shot what i got 

after the change i had to do for redir.. i did screen shot i having issues trying to get Copy and paste to work from the unraid  QEMU window  to windows and vice versa...


also how do you manage to get the when you do run "./start"  and Rpi  boots up to desktop how do you get the emulate mouse and my real mouse to sync  as they both out of sync by 1-2 inches  so u have to offset your clicks





port rpi.PNG

Edited by comet424
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