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6.3.3 Seagate SMR problem


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my starting array is 2 seagate ironwolf 8 tb as parity and 2 wd red 8 tb as data. I have used the array without a problem for 30 days now copying directly to the array without the need for cache drive in the middle with 60-80 mb/s. Some days ago i added i added a seagate ST8000AS0002 SMR drive which i precleared at about 140 mb/s. After the preclear ended successfully i added the drive as disk 3 to the array. when i started to copy directly to the array it copied about 30 gb then the speed droped to a crawl with the array and webui becoming iresponsive.After trying 3 times with the same results i have created a share on that drive only with the cache drive use on it, The speeds to the cache drive were 50-60 mb/s so i test copied 200 gb of test data then went to sleep letting the mover do its thing at the scheduled time.


When i woke up this morning and checked the server the webui was unresponsive so i ssh-ed to it. When i use the mover command to see the status of the mover there were some bunch of errors on every single big file in the test. Some of the small folders were moved from the cache but the larger 8 gb + files were still there.


I did a diagnostic from the command line which i attached, then /sbin/reboot  to gracefully restart the server.


I will do one more test on this drive and if unsuccessful will shrink the array and mount the drive as a Unassigned device and test that way. I may be that the write operations with the read necessarily for the  parity is to much for this SMR


Thank you for your help.


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Thank you.


I started again a test copy to the same disk. For now it works pretty good. I will wait and see if it completes the whole 235 gb or test copy.


I have 32 gb ram. Last night i tried to enable the File Integrity automatically protect new files while running a preclear on another drive. I since disabled that setting and checking like this.



LE; Still copying strong at 50 mb/s which is ok considering SMR. Seems the File integrity plugin ate all my memory and gave me a scare.


After 70 gb or files copying i started a preclear to see if his the culprit. For not it seems ok.



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Seems i found the culprit in my case.


After i restarted to get the webui back and disabled the Dynamix File Integrity Automatically protect new and modified files i had 2 days of transfers without problems. I even used File Integrity build without problems. This morning i activated Automatically protect new and modified files and the server crashed again with the out of memory error taking with it the samba service but i could restarted it from the CLI. My settings are after i disabled the the Automatically protect new and modified files again.




My specs:


M/B: Supermicro - X9SRL-F

CPU: Intel® Xeon® CPU E5-2670 0 @ 2.60GHz

HVM: Enabled

IOMMU: Enabled

Cache: 512 kB, 2048 kB, 20480 kB

Memory: 32 GB (max. installable capacity 128 GB)

Network: bond0: fault-tolerance (active-backup), mtu 1500
 eth0: not connected
 eth1: 1000 Mb/s, full duplex, mtu 1500

Kernel: Linux 4.9.19-unRAID x86_64

OpenSSL: 1.0.2k


Now samba works but copying files crashes after about 20% of a 6 gb file.


I will restart once the preclear of a 3 tb disc completes.

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