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Cache balance editbox


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Hi, i am pretty new to unRaid so forgive me if I don't use all the terminology right :-) Anyway, I am letting SABnzbd download to my cache drive where I have setup a "download"  share. For a particular large download however my cache was too small (Only have 120 Gb, using a nvme m2 ssd).


Decided to add an additional cache drive since i had a spare SSD lying around.  Now here's the thing, I wanted more space and not redundancy or speed. After restarting it was installed as an raid 1, not what i wanted. 


However, since gooling stuff about unRaid is one of my favorite things to do I quickly found the video about adding a cache drive and what parameters I need for balance. However, It would have been nice to have some kind of dropdown with the most commonly used balance commands.




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