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Drive died and Parity wants to rewrite


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So the option I had was a Read Check. Not sure I've heard of that and I don't see that specific terminology here: https://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php/Parity


Am I doing the right thing? I had parity checks automated on Sunday nights but it seems like I remember it says "Parity Check started" not "Read Check Started" like it does now. Also, that Disk4 has 1739 read errors so far. But it appears to have stopped.

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2 days and 16 hours into the parity write\data rebuild. Drive 4 gave 1738 read errors right off the bat but that was it and I continued to see reads with no errors since then. It's estimated to take another half a day to be done. 


So how are those read errors going to hurt me in this process?

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2 minutes ago, pinion said:

2 days and 16 hours into the parity write\data rebuild


That's a long time for such a small array, I'm guessing you're using USB2 for the external disk.


The errors are expected, when this finishes I would rebuild disk4 to a new disk, some file(s) will be corrupt because of the read errors, and then try to copy all files from the old disk, there will be some file(s) you can't copy, those would be the files that are corrupt on the rebuild, so you would now know which files are corrupt and replace them if available.

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