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User share reporting out of space


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Hi all,


I'm trying to copy files over to my user share. It consists of 3 drives, and is configured with the following settings:


Allocation Method: Fill-up

Minimum free space: 0KB

Split level: Automatically split any directory as required

Included disk(s): Disk 1, Disk 2, Disk 3


In my Main view, I can see that Disk 1 is completely filled up (only 2.11 MB remaining), but Disks 2 and 3 are over 95% free.


Does anyone know why Windows is telling me that I don't have space left on my user share?

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27 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:


This needs to be larger than the largest file you'll be coping, usually is good practice to set to twice the size of the typical largest files.


Ah. That did the trick!


If all of my user shares are using the same disks, should I set the minimum free space to the same value for each share?

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unRAID will make sure <min free> space is on a disk BEFORE copying a new file to that drive. Maybe should have been called "Min Free to Copy".


The drive will be considered "full" when the available space is LESS than this number. (Hard to get less than 0 ;-))


There are reasons you might not want to fill up a disk too much. For certain types of recovery, it would be helpful to have some space to work with. If you request double the size of the largest file, the last copy will take up some part of that, leaving at least enough space for one additional large file.


Thought I would mentioned that min free is ignored if the split level is set to require all files for a folder to stay on one disk, unRAID will attempt to copy the file to that disk regardless of free space. This can be useful. For example, some people try to keep all episodes of a TV Show (or Season) on one disk, and use split levels to make sure that happens. In such a case, you might set quite a large min free, e.g, 100G, which would basically only come into play when selecting a location for a new show or season. If more than 100G is not available, then another target disk wold be selected for the new show. This leaves 100G for additional episodes for shows already on that disk to continue to be added.

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13 minutes ago, bjp999 said:

Thought I would mentioned that min free is ignored if the split level is set to require all files for a folder to stay on one disk, unRAID will attempt to copy the file to that disk regardless of free space. This can be useful. For example, some people try to keep all episodes of a TV Show (or Season) on one disk, and use split levels to make sure that happens. In such a case, you might set quite a large min free, e.g, 100G, which would basically only come into play when selecting a location for a new show or season. If more than 100G is not available, then another target disk wold be selected for the new show. This leaves 100G for additional episodes for shows already on that disk to continue to be added.


@bjp999This needs to be added to the FAQ. It's obvious in retrospect, but I've never put it together this way in my head.

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