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[SOLVED] docker.buttons.plg is not known to Community Applications


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Hmmm, evidently when I installed Advanced buttons, the old version remained - or could just have been an error in trying to solve the spamming in my log (had to move a bunch of plugins around trying to identify the source).  Brings up a great topic, other than fix common problems, is there a tool that would analyze installed apps and identify ones that should be removed?

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29 minutes ago, jeffreywhunter said:

Brings up a great topic, other than fix common problems, is there a tool that would analyze installed apps and identify ones that should be removed?

FCP is it, and it only does what it does because CA is the defacto standard way of installing any addon, and bases its recommendations on what is available within CA.


Not perfect, as bonienl for instance occasionally publishes beta / alpha plugins before making them available within CA.


But beyond that, FCP also analyses any packages that get installed via /boot/extra, and warns if anything is not 64bit.

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