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Web Gui / Network Failures


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I have been having issues for the past several months where I will try to access unraid via the web gui and I can't, its non-existent on my network.  This forces me to restart my server. Its becoming quite annoying so I figured I would ask if anyone has ran into this problem.  The only thing that I can think of that may be causing some grief is updating dockers every week.  When I can get home and restart unraid I will post logs.  In the meantime, does anyone have information that may link web gui/network failures to updating docker containers?

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  1. 8GB
  2. I use the GUI almost exclusively
  3. Plugins (All Versions Latest)
    1. CA Auto Update Applications
    2. CA Backup / Restore Appdata
    3. CA Cleanup Appdata
    4. Community Applications
    5. Dynamix webGui
    6. unRAID Server OS 
  4. Docker Containers
    1. Couch Potato
    2. DuckDNS
    3. Headphones
    4. Home-Assistant
    5. LazyLibrarian
    6. LetsEncrypt
    7. MQTT
    8. Mylar
    9. NGINX
    10. NodeRed
    11. Ombi
    12. Organizr
    13. Plex
    14. PlexPY
    15. Radarr
    16. SABNZBd
    17. Sonarr
    18. Transmission
    19. Unifi
  5. VMs
    1. Windows 7, Used for BlueIris
  6. Attached!



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I am a bit surprised that someone else hasn't jumped in here yet.  I am not a real Guru in the area of VM's and multiple Docker usage.  But since that hasn't been a response, here goes...


You might be a little light in the RAM area.  While 8GB might seem like a lot of RAM, that is one problem---  The process that runs the GUI can not be restarted if it gets 'bumped' from memory which can happen as unRAID runs entirely in RAM.  (No HD usage for a disk cache to stuff a stale process rather than 'killing' it when more RAM is required by a running process.)   If you don't get any other input, I would consider going to 16GB of RAM to see if that helps.

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On 12/15/2017 at 6:21 AM, Frank1940 said:

I am a bit surprised that someone else hasn't jumped in here yet.  I am not a real Guru in the area of VM's and multiple Docker usage.  But since that hasn't been a response, here goes...


You might be a little light in the RAM area.  While 8GB might seem like a lot of RAM, that is one problem---  The process that runs the GUI can not be restarted if it gets 'bumped' from memory which can happen as unRAID runs entirely in RAM.  (No HD usage for a disk cache to stuff a stale process rather than 'killing' it when more RAM is required by a running process.)   If you don't get any other input, I would consider going to 16GB of RAM to see if that helps.


I'll give that a shot.  It was on the list to add more RAM and add a cache drive.  Perhaps is the time to give my system an upgrade.

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  • 1 year later...

I've upgraded to 16gb a while back., and I have had the issue happen 2-3x since.  I'll get any where between 45-60 days of uptime when I start getting my issue.  Its always exclusively happened when I start up a stream from Plex docker.  Iwas using Fix Common Problems per another suggestion to capture log, i just realized since 6.7 its no longer apart of the plugin and now a native feature.  With that said I need to configure my syslog server so that I can have some history for my logs in the event I get another crash in this similar manner.

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