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Can you backup an UnRaid Server using BackBlaze?


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I'm a big fan of BackBlaze.com.  It's one of those $5 a month, backup everything buffet type companies like Mozy or Carbornite, but I like it more.


I don't want to take advantage of BackBlaze by trying to backup 9999999 Terabytes, but I would like to backup at least 1TB of stuff.  They allow you to backup External USB drives, but not NAS's.




I've got a Mac by the way.  It clearly states that you can't backup NAS's but is there someway to setup a share of unRaid as a USB drive?


If not, how do you guys backup stuff (not huge files but photos or music) on your unRaid server offsite?  ElephantDrive?  Carbonite?  Mozy?  Something else?

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Most, if not all, of the online backup options will not allow backing up a shared drive or from a NAS.  The software will be smarter than you if you try to fake it.  Supposedly Carbonite has been working on a NAS subscription, but I haven't seen any update of its status in over a year.  Once your array gets to be of appreciable size, you're going to have to make some hard choices.  Buy an external tape drive (expensive + expensive media); build a second server of similar if not equal capacity and place it in a remote location, and then pay for a large enough pipe between the two to run your backups; make backups of only the most critical data to your local machine, then push it to an online system like Mozy or Carbonite or BackBlaze; or resign yourself to the possibility that you may lose some data.


Of course, leave it to someone on here to have created a clever, efficient, and cheap solution that will solve your problem 100%.  If so, I can't wait to read the post.  ;D

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Crashplan is a popular option and with a bit of tinkering works happily under unraid. This will allow you to back up anything on your unraid server and provide a crashplan target for backing up other machines on your LAN.


Been running it for some time now quite happily.

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Crashplan is a popular option and with a bit of tinkering works happily under unraid. This will allow you to back up anything on your unraid server and provide a crashplan target for backing up other machines on your LAN.


Been running it for some time now quite happily.

Just curious if you guys are using this for movies backups as well, or just family pics and movies?

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Important 'irreplaceable' data.


So for me, no, not movies as if they go belly up it's easy (if time consuming) to re-rip.


I do have a lot of mp3's (podcasts etc) backed up though as they would be difficult to get back.


I push (estimated without actually looking at the figures) ~200GB out to crashplans central servers (only thing which sosts money)  and also my work desktop for offsite backups of documents / photos / other irreplacable data as above.


I have another 500 gigs of FLAC files I keep looking at wondering if I should offsite as well. But so far I havn't submitted my upstream to that punishment!


Other machines on the LAN backup key config data (bookmarks, windows profiles etc etc) to unraid across the LAN using crashplan. None of this gets pushed out offsite though as it's not super important. But it's worth keeping a backup in case of drive failure in the client machines.


Nice flexible system. As I have it running on my work desktop it allows friends / family to also use it as an offsite target. And all for free!

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Important 'irreplaceable' data.


So for me, no, not movies as if they go belly up it's easy (if time consuming) to re-rip.


I do have a lot of mp3's (podcasts etc) backed up though as they would be difficult to get back.


I push (estimated without actually looking at the figures) ~200GB out to crashplans central servers (only thing which sosts money)  and also my work desktop for offsite backups of documents / photos / other irreplacable data as above.


I have another 500 gigs of FLAC files I keep looking at wondering if I should offsite as well. But so far I havn't submitted my upstream to that punishment!


Other machines on the LAN backup key config data (bookmarks, windows profiles etc etc) to unraid across the LAN using crashplan. None of this gets pushed out offsite though as it's not super important. But it's worth keeping a backup in case of drive failure in the client machines.


Nice flexible system. As I have it running on my work desktop it allows friends / family to also use it as an offsite target. And all for free!

For the 500Gig of FLAC files, I suggest you just get a portable 1 or 2TB USB drive, or a eSATA docking station and a appropriate SATA drive, and make a physical backup you can keep off-site, or at least separate from the unRAID server.  Yes, it will take forever to make the initial copy, but it would take far longer to re-rip the music.



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Blowing crashplans trumpet (again) - I could actually plug in an external hard drive, back it up directly to that and then take the disk to work and copy this backup onto my work machine. Then I just update crashplan to point to my work machine and it will find the backup and then only add new files incrementally.


I'm just too lazy :)

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  • 2 months later...

Crashplan is a popular option and with a bit of tinkering works happily under unraid. This will allow you to back up anything on your unraid server and provide a crashplan target for backing up other machines on your LAN.


Been running it for some time now quite happily.

Okay, so I've been looking around for something that is more friendly to use than a cron job rsync hack to my Dreamhost account.  You guys have caught my attentions with all the Go-Crashplan-Go talk, so could you give me a brief idea about the "tinkering" you're referring to?

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