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Norco 4220 - Do I need a rack?


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Hi Folks,


I see a lot of chatter on the board about this Norco 4220 case, and of course, since we never seem to be satisfied with what we have, I'm starting the research into a larger server  ;D. I'm Currently using the 590 case, and have it populated with 10 drives... only space for 2 more!! So, down the road, when those slots are full as well, I'm going to be 'forced' to upgrade  :)...


The question: How are people 'implementing' their Norco 4220 rackmount cases? Does everyone who have one of these monster cases have a rack in their basement/office, or are they just laying the case flat on the ground/on a shelf somewhere?


I love the idea of 20 hot-swappable drives, but I just can't see myself buying a rack for my place... Unless a super-mini rack exists....


Thanks for any feedback you 4220ers (or anyone else for that matter!) may have!

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It is too deep to sit in a conventional shelf.


I have set large rackmount cases like that on tables, concrete blocks, file cabinets, and safes..... no problems as long as whatever you set it on is studry and can handle the weight.  It will be heavy, particularly after populating it with a bunch of drives.


I don't recommend the floor ore within 24 inches of the floor, as it will have much more dust intake.

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I did the same thing.  Used MDO Plywood (MDO is faced with a coating of resin paper and takes veneer glues and paints perfectly). I left the back open, so the basic carcass is two sides a top and a bottom. Mounted 4 large casters to the bottom plate. And made the unit 48" high (the width of a plywood sheet) and 30" deep.  I required one sheet of MDO and a 4x4 (half sheet) of regular plywood which I used for the bottom.  MDO is  generally a special order whereas regular 3/4" plywood can be had in 4x4 ,  and 4x8  sheets quite easily.


I put mounting rails on the front only and mounted angle irons (could have used 1x3 wood) as supports where necessary.  The only real heavy unit in the rack is the unRaid server so it is supported by side angle irons which it just slides on. There is a picture of it in the pimping your rig thread. I could have built it to take sliders but that would have upped the cost of everything. Don't think it cost me $200 all told

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Some good ideas! Thanks guys!


I'm not too sure if I would go the build-your-own route, as my carpentry skills may not be up to the task... :). Perhaps a 4u table top rack of some sort would be the best compromise... Haven't found anything yet, but I'll keep looking


Following the link to the Startech one, I noticed there seems to exist some wall-mountable racks. Not sure I would trust an unRaid box to one of those. My 10 drive 590 already weighs a ton. I can't imagine a wall-mounted rack would really be able to support the weight...


Has anyone used a wall-mounted rack with unRaid?

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