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[SOLVED] Error with starting with USB bootup


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Hi there, I just upgraded to the latest version of the unRAID but on reboot, I found there was an error at the BIOS level that says no boot device. 


I have gone into the BIOS and set the default boot to be USB. It still has the same message: no boot device (see screenshot). I suspect the USB may be faulty. 


I unplugged the USB and place it in a Windows PC, and managed to copy the data off it, it kept disappearing and then coming back. I was prompted that it had errors and advised to scan. I scanned it and it says it has errors. I suspect it's a faulty USB. 


1) Shall I reformat the USB, and copy the files back to it?

2) Buy a new USB stick & request for a replacement key? 


Any advice will be helpful. Regards. cL


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Thanks JB & CHBMB for your swift response. 

12 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

Try reformatting first but the "kept disappearing and coming back" line points to a flash drive problem.

Indeed. I thought it was the boot sector corruption, so using the old USB I made it bootable again. It fired up but failed at the login screen. At least I was able to bootup. Again it kept disappearing and coming back when plugged in the Windows PC. Tried reformating the old USB - it says cannot reformat it, so confirm it is DEAD. 


12 hours ago, CHBMB said:

Try reformating and putting the files back on, if that doesn't work, get a new USB, copy your existing files including the license file across and on boot you'll be prompted to transfer your license.

Using the new USB, copy the existing files across and on boot, it had the problem with booting up. Next I tried to run Make_bootable (as administrator), but it just disappeared without the DOS window. I then copied the downloaded latest version of the unRAID and copied Make_bootable into the USB stick, and also SYSLINUX directory. This time it was able to boot up but stuck at this screen.




I tried earlier running a clean install of unRAID and was presented with #Tower login. When I looked at webgui, all disks were unassigned (of course!), I decided to wait for your expertise with the above. New USB + original files + new syslinux. What shall I do next?

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11 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

New flash drive

Yeah, you are right. Please read my latest post. It looks like when I was upgrading to the new version 6.40 (before the start of my problem), the USB died, and some files became corrupted. So it appears I may need to use latest unRAID download and rebuild my current disks array with a new install. Can you point me the way? 

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OMG, I copied the root files from a previous install & it works - so it must be one of the primary files, either bzroot or bzimage file must be corrupt. I am now able to boot into the login screen! 


Went on to Replace Key, and Installed the new key. I am back in business. Thank you for advice given. Closed. cL

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  • cliewmc changed the title to [SOLVED] Error with booting my USB bootup
9 hours ago, cliewmc said:

OMG, I copied the root files from a previous install & it works - so one of the bzroot or bzimage file must be corrupt. I am able to boot into the login screen! 


Went on to Replace Key, and Installed the new key. I am back in business. Thank you for advice given. Closed. cL


Remember to make a backup of the flash drive content regularly - or at least after having done important configuration changes.

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1 hour ago, pwm said:


Remember to make a backup of the flash drive content regularly - or at least after having done important configuration changes.

Thanks for the advice. I have not done that in a long time, and left the system to do it for me. Luckily, the 'previous' folder had the info in there. I will schedule regular backups from now on. Thank you again. Regards. cL

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  • cliewmc changed the title to [SOLVED] Error with starting with USB bootup


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