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Replaced drive, did parity sync and now I'm missing data

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I am running an old version of unRAID (5.0.6)as this was my first unRAID server.  It did it's job and I didn't see a need to upgrade yet.  I had a disk go bad and attempted to replace it.  I replaced the bad drive with a pre-cleared drive, booted up and then unRAID said 2 of my disks were unformatted.  After doing some Googling, I did a new config and did a parity sync.  That was last night. I checked it just a while ago and now I'm missing a ton of data.  I'm assuming what I did was not the correct thing to do.


I had a 10TB array and in my largest share (movie) it says I have 1.14TB of data.  The odd thing is that when I am in the console it unRAID says that every drive is basically full (76GB free out of 9.93TB).  It seems like the data is there but I have no idea how to fix it or if it's even fixable. I've attached a syslog and screenshot.  Please let me know if I need to provide anything else.


FYI parity sync is still technically running and has about an hour left but it doesn't look promising that any of my missing data is going to be recovered after it's done.  


Thank you in advance.








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Parity sync finished and still having issues.  Now if I go to the share directly I can't see anything.  \\movieserver1\movies\Action show no files.  If I go to the each individual disk i can see the files!






I'm still not sure what to do at this point.  Should I do a new config again?



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Your description of what you did is incomplete and doesn't really make sense. You said you replaced a disk but you don't say anything at all about it rebuilding the data onto the new disk. And then you did a New Config and rebuilt parity instead. If so then you would have lost the data you meant to rebuild, but your screenshot of the array doesn't seem to indicate anything wrong with the data since your disks seem to have data on them.


You really should have asked before doing anything at all. Can you try again to explain what you did?


All New Config does is allow you to reassign your disks and rebuild parity. And rebuilding parity only writes the parity disk. The parity disk doesn't contain any of your data, so how is rebuilding parity going to help recover your data?


Your syslog seems to indicate a problem with disk4, probably filesystem corruption. Here is the wiki on how to address filesystem corruption. It has nothing to do with rebuilding parity.






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