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(Solved) Locked myself out of user share access


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I enabled disk shares so I could clean up some duplicated files that had managed to accumulate. (I know never mix user shares & disk shares - I was working at /mnt/diskX level only.) When I was done, I stopped the array, disabled disk shares and restarted the array. Now, when I attempt to browse to my server from my Win machine, I'm prompted to enter network credentials.


I didn't make any changes to user share settings (that I'm aware of) when enabling or disabling the disk shares. All my user shares have Security = Public. The only change that may have impacted this was adding a user on the server with the same name as my Win user. I added the server user in all lower case, but I believe the Win user is proper cased. I deleted the server user, but that didn't help. After posting this, I will reboot the Win machine to see if that will clear any incorrect credentials that were stored.


I remember that sometime around the early 6.3.x releases there was an issue of some sort with this, and there were instructions on what to delete on my Win machine to regain access, but I (obviously) don't remember what it was and I don't seem to be able to find the post(s) from then about it here.


I do have the ransomware protection plugin installed, and I've confirmed that it hasn't triggered.


Diagnostics attached.



UPDATE: Nope, a reboot didn't help any. Worth a shot.

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