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4 drives died please help


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I'm quite gutted at the moment so I may not be thinking clearly but it appears that somehow 4 out of my 15 unraid XFS drives has failed (2 of them were parity). I was replacing some fans in my case and when I went to power it back on 4 drives can no longer be "seen" by unraid. I've tried different connectors, power, I took the 4 drives out and put them in another machine, cannot read them at all. Can read all the rest of them. I'm still trying things and maybe it's just something silly but, if in the end I have had 4 drives fail, is there any way to leverage the two parity drives to get any of the data back at all?


Thank you in advance.

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29 minutes ago, uproden said:

is there any way to leverage the two parity drives to get any of the data back at all?

Nope. Parity doesn't actually contain any of your data, it's the missing pieces to the equation to complete the data on a single or double missing drive that includes all the rest of the drives. You need to get all but 2 of all of the drives perfectly readable to emulate the other 2 missing drives, whichever they are.


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