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access denied on the internet


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Just now, Squid said:

How is this related to unRaid?


Impossible to tell with the appalling lack of detail in the post.


@ren88 If you want help with something you really need to put a bit more effort into the post, with details and logs and, you know, all the useful things people will need to know to try and help you.


Otherwise it just creates an unfair amount of work for those trying to help, requiring posts like mine, to try and get more information from you and means the vast majority of people will not even bother trying to help, because they have no idea what you're on about and can't be bothered to try and find out.

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2 hours ago, ren88 said:

ok, i will send the logs right now 



Seeing as connecting to Steam isn't really anything to do with Unraid, we have no idea what you're trying to do and all you can be bothered to do is post a syslog despite my above post, I'm really not sure what you expect in terms of help but chances are you're not going to get any.


You've posted a grand total of 11 words, a copy/paste of an error message and a syslog.


I've posted 238 words trying to get you to post more information.


So if I'm putting more effort in trying to drag the information out of you, than you can be bothered to put into posts requesting help, that's the wrong way around.....



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ok thanks 

16 minutes ago, CHBMB said:


Seeing as connecting to Steam isn't really anything to do with Unraid, we have no idea what you're trying to do and all you can be bothered to do is post a syslog despite my above post, I'm really not sure what you expect in terms of help but chances are you're not going to get any.


You've posted a grand total of 11 words, a copy/paste of an error message and a syslog.


I've posted 238 words trying to get you to post more information.


So if I'm putting more effort in trying to drag the information out of you, than you can be bothered to put into posts requesting help, that's the wrong way around.....




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We don't know if your machine managed to do a correct DNS lookup to the system or if it tried to access the wrong machine.

We don't know if you are expected to be allowed to make that access or not.

We don't know if the request contained a payload that didn't match what the server expected.

We don't know if you can make the requests if trying from some other machine.

We don't know if it was a temporary issue and that the server might accept the request 10 minutes later.



Lots of things we don't know, and that we can't guess about from your posts.

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