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Wisdom of putting all of /appdata and /system shares on cache drive?


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I realized recently that with all my docker apps running, and without a cache drive, I've probably been working my poor drives hard. So I'm looking at putting all the stuff that's constantly changing on the cache drive.


Is this wise? As far as I can tell, only thing stored in /system is the docker images and vm images. I don't use VMs, as my hardware doesn't support it, and AFAIK, the docker image is entirely rebuildable from configuration.


Appdata though -- is it reasonable to maybe just keep this on cache and keep a backup on the array that gets taken say once a day?

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It is wise to move your docker.img and appdata off of the array and onto a cache drive/pool, more for the sake of speed than anything else. Ideally the cache would be SSD rather than hard disk, but even a mechanical disk is preferable to using the array.


If you're worried about data loss due to potential failure of the cache drive then use a BTRFS RAID 1 pool. Yes, the docker.img can be deleted and rebuilt very easily so there is little point in backing it up. The appdata folder can be backed up to the array on a regular basis. There's even a plugin to do it for you.

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Definitely on an SSD -- actually had a 250gb 850 EVO sitting around after I got it for a steal (at the time) at $100CAD. I had some wonkiness with a cache drive before, so I was hesitant to put it into service.


Couldn't believe how freakin' long moving appdata took though. Plex has an absurd amount of data. Don't think I'll be backing that up too regularly if it takes 4 hours of services being unavailable...

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29 minutes ago, drumstyx said:

On the note of things being huge and having many, many small files, I wonder if it'd make sense to archive it on the ssd before backing up, then just move the archive as a large file much faster to the array.

The plugin already archives and compresses the backup.

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1 hour ago, trurl said:

The plugin already archives and compresses the backup.

Thanks! I went searching about this and found that indeed the backup plugin has been updated to a new version and required an uninstall/install to get the archive feature. Can't wait to try it after parity finishes:)

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