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Upgrading and adding a Server


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Hey Guys, now that im very happy with Unraid i want to add another Server offsite 


At the moment i have one with a 6 Disk Key and i want to upgrade it to the 12 Disk license and want to use the 6 Disk License in the Offsite Server. Upgrading is a bit more expensive as buying the bigger license.


So is there any other way as "marking" the usb stick as damaged and changing the key to the other server that way? Because the old stick ist getting blacklisted then and i need another one.

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Just remember each license file needs to stay with the physical stick, you can move the rest of the files on the sticks around without issue as long as it's a full license and not a trial.

1. Back up current USB stick, easiest way is to click on flash on the main page of the GUI, and click flash backup.

2. Get new USB stick, install unraid, boot in trial mode, purchase 12 disk license.

3. Copy EVERYTHING except the license file from the current USB stick to the new stick. Overwrite all, except license file.

4. Boot current server with new 12 disk license USB, all settings copied from current install, so everything just works.

5. Install unraid fresh on old USB stick, copy back the license file that belongs with it, boot up new server and configure.

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34 minutes ago, Marcel40625 said:

Thanks for the Tips the only Problem is that the Offsite is 600km away ? And i am atm at the Offsite. So i would need to travel 1800km, to do Like you said. Any other way without blacklisting the old stick?

Nope. Snail mail?

Have someone shut down the main server and mail you the key?

The USB physically has to travel if you don't want it blacklisted.


Or... purchase new 6 disk USB license at offsite, set it up, then upgrade current 6 disk key to 12 disk license when you get back.

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  1. Have somebody physically assist you with purchasing and transferring the config to a new 12 disk license on Main site
  2. Mail/Ship the 6 disk licensed USB to Offsite
  3. Setup Offsite server by backing up the flash, reinstall unraid and plop in the key file.

This way, only one 600km travel is needed and mail/courier service could do it for you

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