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What do you use NFS, SAMBA, BOTH?

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Hey guys, as you can tell, I'm relatively new here and still tweaking my unRAID server. Its my first unRAID server and I am pretty sure it wont be the last. This RAID thing is addictive  :D


What I wanted to find out is what type of sharing do you all use? I am on a quest to optimize my server in terms of speed of access and otherwise and I just came across a few articles about NFS. Seeing that all my machines at home are all Linux based I am seriously considering moving from Samba to NFS due to the numerous advantages.


What do you guys use for your shares? Should I put out the effort to install NFS on my network? I haven't done this before so I am hoping it wont be too much of a challenge.

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I would like to run a purely NFS setup, but two things get in my way:


1) I can't see a way of sharing the flash drive by NFS.


2) There's a WinXP Home system on the network (nor currently using the unRAID server).  I'm investigating the use of Microsoft SFU (yes, it can be made to run on XP Home!).

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Out of the box, NFSv3 offers poor security, no encryption,when mounting a NFS share no username or password information is exchanged to provide additional security, also if your DNS spoofed it could lead you wide open, maybe not so important on a home network.


Its been awhile since I used it, and there are ways of fixing the security issues, and NFSv4 is out.


A a rule of thumb, NFS for Linux, SAMBA for Windows, you won't go far wrong, or just use SAMBA for both, you can fine tune SAMBA, it has loads of options.

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