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Duplicati vs Rsync script


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I have some folders I want to backup to some external drives.   Added bonus if it auto recognized when I plugged in the drive, it would run backup script!


I have toyed around with Duplicati, which I saw on backup video by spaceinvaderone.   

I am having issues.  It does not seem to run completely. I installed it two weeks ago and not backed up the folder.   I know duplicati is geared toward online backups.   


I really like the idea of snapshots.   I had a custom made backup script utilizeing rsync (I got from a friend good at scripting)   that I ran on my old arch linux box.  Is there a good program/docker/app I can run on unraid?   Is duplicati the best?   Suggestions please.  

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52 minutes ago, bphillips330 said:

auto recognized when I plugged in the drive, it would run backup script


52 minutes ago, bphillips330 said:

I had a custom made backup script utilizeing rsync

You can do all this (if you choose) via the Unassigned Devices plugin.

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The issue is I have SMR drives (pain in the ass from seagate)   Everything I have read I can't encrypt the full drive with Shingled media.   What I did in the past was make a large container file, Then mount that as a drive.  Well my backup script did that.   Then backed up folders with rsync command. 


I have not found a good way to mount a luks encrypted file to a drive (mount drive to computer, then cryptsetup open command to open the container.  Then mount that to a folder)  via webgui of unraid.   I can do it through console I guess. 


I like how duplicate will encrypt the backup and i don't have to worry about all the opening of containers.    I think I finally got it to work.    SLOW AS SNOT though on first backup.  I think 3tb will take me a day or three.   Ohh well.   Lets see how this works.    


I also like how duplicati takes snapshots I believe.  So I can role back a day or three.   With my old basic script.  It just backed up files.   All you had was from last backup.  

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