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WebGUI not accessible (solved)


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Went to watch something on Plex but it wouldn't connect to my Plex Server which is a docker on my Unraid machine. Tried browsing to tower/dashboard and it fails to load in any browser or device. Tried direct ip and still a no go. I can browse via file explorer on Win10 and can ssh in. Tried a reboot but that didn't fix the problem. Attached is the diagnostic zip. Thank you for any help.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello all. Since upgrading to 6.5.2 one of my servers is no longer showing in network, nor am i able to access it via tower or ip address.

Another server i have, i did the update on and no issues.

Im a t a loss here. i followed the other guides. Im not sure whats going on.

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20 hours ago, Nitsuj said:

Hello all. Since upgrading to 6.5.2 one of my servers is no longer showing in network, nor am i able to access it via tower or ip address.

Another server i have, i did the update on and no issues.

Im a t a loss here. i followed the other guides. Im not sure whats going on.


You need to start your own thread.  This thread was marked as 'Solved' by the OP.  (What you did is called 'thread hijacking' and is generally frowned on.)   I would suggest that you attach a monitor to you server and see if you have a login prompt.  If you do, login type   diagnostics   on the command line.  That will write the diagnostics file to the   logs   folder/directory on your flash drive.  Upload that file in your new thread.  

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