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[SOLVED] How do I add a second virtual hard drive to a Windows VM?

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I've been trying to use a single Unraid share for my games on Windows and thus far it's worked out great! Unfortunately, I've discovered a problem: Blizzard games don't support network drives. While on Linux this is a complete non-issue because of the way share mounting works, on Windows it's outright stopping me from being able to put my Blizzard games on my disk of choice, and may also be causing a problem with Warhammer: Vermintide and its sequel.


When I first made my Windows VM it went through a few iterations, one of which included multiple virtual disks to try to utilize those, however upon booting the VM I couldn't actually see those disks in the OS and so I abandoned the idea in favor of just mapping my steam library to the network share.


So the question: How do I get my Windows VM to see a second vDisk and use it as though it were a physical drive connected to the windows machine, as opposed to trying to do this as a network drive?

Edited by Lynx
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  • 4 years later...

Suggestion\Request. Make this more obvious in some manner.

Not a complaint feedback. It took a bit  longer than expected because the small "+" icon was off to the left side and only appears when the VM is shutdown. I was running the VM at the time, and was looking for how to add an additional drive, and I could not find the option. I understand it can only be added once the VM is shut down, but while running it there are no visual clues\hints. It help others in the future.

Edited by JackSafari
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  • 11 months later...


On 6/10/2023 at 7:09 PM, JackSafari said:

Suggestion\Request. Make this more obvious in some manner.

Not a complaint feedback. It took a bit  longer than expected because the small "+" icon was off to the left side and only appears when the VM is shutdown. I was running the VM at the time, and was looking for how to add an additional drive, and I could not find the option. I understand it can only be added once the VM is shut down, but while running it there are no visual clues\hints. It help others in the future.


I hate replying to old threads - but thank you! My vm is running, and I was not keen on shutting it down until I knew exactly what my plan was to do what I needed to do so I could minimize the amount of time that it was down.  Without reading this thread, I would have had absolutely no idea that the menu option that I needed would only reveal itself with the machine off.  Really appreciate the assist from the past!

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