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Simple question about upgrade from 6.4.1 -> 6.5.3


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I just completed a clean install of 6.5.3. and I've gotta say it was so smooth. Loved that I could do it entirely headless by just choosing a static I.P. upon creation of the USB installer. Whole thing just took a few minutes.


Now I was okay with doing a totally clean install, didn't have many dockers installed anyway and most stuff was running with a default config.


However, when I started up my machine again and started the parity Sync, I noticed all of my dockers appeared again but with these question mark logos:



What does this mean, does the data still exist somewhere? I wiped the entire USB so I thought all information about my docker containers would have been destroyed.


Assuming that I will re-install all of these (which I will), what do I do? Delete some additional configs (where?) before doing so, or if I re-install these containers will the settings still be present? I was honestly expecting every trace of my previously installed containers and their settings to be removed.

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21 minutes ago, plantsandbinary said:

What does this mean, does the data still exist somewhere? I wiped the entire USB so I thought all information about my docker containers would have been destroyed.

The docker image in the system share and the appdata share are on array drives, or preferably on your cache drive.

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21 minutes ago, plantsandbinary said:

Ok but should I delete that information I guess then? I can't really seem to though the data is protected. At least I can't remove it via the SAMBA share.

If you want to start completely fresh, then yes, you should remove the content of the appdata share and make a new docker image. I think

should allow you to clean up the appdata share.

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Hi sorry. I have that app but it only allows you to delete folders that it determines are no longer in use. I cannot use it to force delete the folders. I've looked in the settings but there doesn't really seem to be a way to remove the folders. So I guess I'll just use the terminal because after trying to install the Docker containers again I'm getting conflicts with old I.P. addresses among other things.

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32 minutes ago, plantsandbinary said:

Ok but should I delete that information I guess then? I can't really seem to though the data is protected. At least I can't remove it via the SAMBA share.


I have found that the config files inside the appdata folder for the docker to be invaluable when trying to create my new configurations. I did a fresh install with a new SSD, but found myself referring to the appdata folders on my older SSD to see how I had configured certain features.


You might initially rename the existing folders, and only delete once your new configurations are working as expected.

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