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UnRaid v 6.5.3


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I just installed the latest stable version, and I am a little confused as to what I need in the new features. I use my UnRaid only in our home with no access to my files, movies, music, etc. from out side of the house.

1: I see it talking about SSL...I do not know what this is, and if i should even opt for it, or not.

2: Display settings, part... I understand changing my theme, but telnet protocol, docker support links (I have Plex, and 1 other docker installed only)?

3: VMs, what are these, and why would i do this?

4: AspeedIPMI where do I find out if I have this?


Since Installing I am getting an error that it is unable to communicate with GitHub anymore, and I should reset my modem or try later...is this normal?


Sorry about all the questions, I just do not understand what these features are for, and what they will do for me to be able to decide if i should set them up. I hope i have spelled everything here correctly, as I am using a 4k display in Windows and the text is horrible to read.


Thank you very much.

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11 hours ago, Ron said:

1: I see it talking about SSL...I do not know what this is, and if i should even opt for it, or not.


This setting is under the Identification section of Settings.  If you opt to use it, the GUI will be accessed via https rather than http .  This is for increased security.  (Virtually all Websites today use https!) 


11 hours ago, Ron said:

but telnet protocol


Again this is a security issue.  Telnet is used to access the command line interface.  SSH is the preferred method as it is more secure.  


11 hours ago, Ron said:

3: VMs, what are these, and why would i do this?


VM = Virtual Machine.  Google this for details.  You will get links for the beginner to the Guru.


11 hours ago, Ron said:

4: AspeedIPMI where do I find out if I have this?


This is a added feature to your MB.  It basically is only found on those MB's which are 'Server Class'.  


11 hours ago, Ron said:

Since Installing I am getting an error that it is unable to communicate with GitHub anymore, and I should reset my modem or try later...is this normal?


No, it is not normal.  You are going to have to provide more details about the error message.  A Diagnostics file would also be useful. 

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11 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

Telnet is used to access the command line interface.  SSH is the preferred method as it is more secure. 


Telnet sends all information in clear text - so anyone who can listen to the network traffic can see all information. And that includes any account names or passwords. Telnet should be quickly forgotten. It's a protocol from ancient times - before the world got a huge number of script kiddie hackers that can attack just about anything that is online.


SSH is basically a telnet with additional encryption and optional authentication. Encryption makes sure a listener can't see the actual data. And the authentication helps the client know it's the correct server it connects to - and sometimes also lets the server know that it's a valid client that connects.


SSH doesn't just represent a better and safer Telnet. It can also be used to transfer files or to tunnel network ports - allowing insecure protocol data to hide inside the protecting SSH tunnel.

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1 hour ago, pwm said:


Telnet sends all information in clear text - so anyone who can listen to the network traffic can see all information. And that includes any account names or passwords. Telnet should be quickly forgotten. It's a protocol from ancient times - before the world got a huge number of script kiddie hackers that can attack just about anything that is online.


SSH is basically a telnet with additional encryption and optional authentication. Encryption makes sure a listener can't see the actual data. And the authentication helps the client know it's the correct server it connects to - and sometimes also lets the server know that it's a valid client that connects.


SSH doesn't just represent a better and safer Telnet. It can also be used to transfer files or to tunnel network ports - allowing insecure protocol data to hide inside the protecting SSH tunnel.

Thank you both for your comments.


I use Express VPN, would I still need to use SSH, or does the VPN negate this?

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1 hour ago, Ron said:

Thank you both for your comments.


I use Express VPN, would I still need to use SSH, or does the VPN negate this?


The VPN takes care of secure communication from the outside. But you still want SSH for inhouse communication with your unRAID machines.

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2 minutes ago, pwm said:


The VPN takes care of secure communication from the outside. But you still want SSH for inhouse communication with your unRAID machines.

Thank you, I do not understand why I would need it for in house...is it for wireless communications?

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1 minute ago, Ron said:

Thank you, I do not understand why I would need it for in house...is it for wireless communications?


Because it's good to have an option to be able to reach the command line of your unRAID if you don't get a response over the web interface.


And you do not want to then use telnet because of the worse security. As I mentioned earlier - even machines at home should try to protect themselves in case you get a virus on a machine.

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