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GA-H81M-S2PV IOMMU Disabled?


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I have a Gigabyte GA-H81M-S2PV with a G3420 CPU which I would like to use as a pfsense vm, the CPU is vt-d capable and according to the system information IOMMU is disabled (which according to documentation means that it has the capability it is just not enabled?  I have tried enabling ACS but nothing changes.


I have been through every menu I can find on the bios (latest) but cannot find IOMMU anywhere but I need to pass through a 4Port nic, can anyone offer any advice?


Many Thanks



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29 minutes ago, saarg said:

Looking at Intels specifications site for you cpu, it says it does not support vt-d, only vt-x. So you can only use VMs without hardware pass through. 


Ah Bugger!  Thanks for that.. I saw the docs said disabled means capable and the bios said enabled (but greyed out) but also though vt-x would be enough to pass through... 


Have found some I7's that will sort the issue so maybe that's what I will do... many thanks @saarg I really appreciate your time!!

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