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Upgrading Parity Drive but a second drive failed


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Hi I was Upgrading Parity Drive to a larger drive, I stopped the array and swapped the parity drive for a larger drive, as soon as i booted the system back up to the point where i would normally start the array one of the other drive chose that exact moment to fail.

At first i thought "No Problem" i could just power down the server and reinstall the original Parity drive because i had not actually done anything.

But for some reason its showing as Blue - new disk present and i cannot restart the array because i now have 2 disks out.

Any Ideas?

I do have a back up of my config

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Tools - Diagnostics, post complete zip.


Most likely you disturbed the connection to the other drive when you were changing parity. This is very common when changing disks, and disk connection problems are much much more common than bad disks. You should always double check all connections before rebooting when you have opened the case.


Probably the way forward is going to be to just go ahead and rebuild parity on the new disk, but post your diagnostics so we can be sure.

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