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Clear Smart report information on a disk?


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While preclearing a new disk i had my LSI Card that the disk was plugged into and other disks, fail.

The LSI Card was having read errors from what i can tell randomly.

It threw a heap of errors on the disk in unraid that i was preclearly, i have changed out the SAS cables and it still happened so i changed out the LSI Card.

That fixed everything, my array has rebuilt and parity check has completed without error.

My precleared disk needed to be Erased it was unable to proceed without a complete sector erase, clearly the LSI Card had some major issues.


I have completed successfully now 3 preclears without issue on this new disk.

When i conduct a smart check everything comes back fine but because of the issues with the LSI Card previously it comes up with smart warnings because of what was saved in logs.

How do i clear the log files for this drive?

I could just ignore the smart errors given the controller was what actually was failing, but if i get a real smart error one day for the disk i won't know, there has to be a way to clear it.

I can't see anything in Tools that will allow me to reset the smart stats.


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Only the manufacturer or their approved vendors theoretically have the tools necessary to reset smart data. It's that way on purpose, as regardless of the cause, it's something that happened in the drive's history.


Depending on which warnings are showing up, you may be able to acknowledge them in the GUI and they won't alert again unless the error counter is incremented again.

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