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HELP! Deleted flash drive!


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Sometimes we just don't know as much as we think we do... I was trying to delete some files from a share and used the command "rm -r /" and deleted everything on my flash drive (at least it caused unRAID to crash, not boot back up and when I pulled the flash drive and put it in my Windows machine, it didn't show anything on the drive).  I didn't think it would be a big deal, I just loaded a copy of my flash drive I had saved (unfortunately the last one I have on my Windows machine is from January).  It booted fine, but I have changed 5 of the 15 disks since this copy of the flash drive was made, so now I can't start my array.


I know I used the CA Backup / Restore Appdata plugin to backup my AppData folder, and I've taken backups of the flash drive, but they are saved on my array.  I'm not sure how to proceed. 


Should I pull the flash drive, flash it with a clean install of unRAID?  I'm just not sure where to go from here and I'm freaking out!  Any help you guys can give would be much appreciated!!



I do have a screenshot of my drive assignments that was done just after my last drive update, so I do know where all the drives belong, just don't know how to get the server to start with them there since it is freaking out about 5 drives (including one of the parity drives) changing.

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7 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

Tools -> New config.


Reassign all disks and check "parity is already valid" before array start.


Double check all assignments before starting the array, especially parity.

Thanks, @johnnie.black, just one question before I do this, on the New Config page, under "Retain current configuration" do I select "None", "All", "Parity slots", "Data slots", or "Cache slots"?

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