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Thinking of upgrading motherboard and ram, any special precautions I need to take?


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Hi all,

I’ve been toying with the idea of upgrading my motherboard and ram, keeping the same CPU, data drives and flash drive. I’m hoping it will be a pain-free transition as I’ve sunk a lot of energy/time getting unRAID set up perfectly on my current server.


Are there any special precautions I need to take to protect my data and OS configurations? Thanks.

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50 minutes ago, CaliHeatx said:

Are there any special precautions I need to take to protect my data and OS configurations? Thanks.

Not particularly special precaution, since backups are always needed to protect data.


As long as you have backups stored separately, you should be fine. The unraid configuration is easy to backup by clicking on the flash in the main GUI, then click flash backup.

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Normally, there are few issues when upgrading.  The array, plugins and Dockers should simply work.  VM's can be a bit more involved depending on their configuration and what resources were passed through to them.  


I, personally, would be a bit cautious and turn off auto-starting of the array, Dockers and  VM's.  Then after upgrading, you can look things over and make sure there are not any anomalies.  Starting things up one-at-a-time will make any troubleshooting much more simple.  


An off-the-wall inquiry---  Why a MB and RAM upgrade without doing the CPU?  You won't have any significant gain in performance without a CPU upgrade.  

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6 hours ago, Frank1940 said:

Normally, there are few issues when upgrading.  The array, plugins and Dockers should simply work.  VM's can be a bit more involved depending on their configuration and what resources were passed through to them.  


I, personally, would be a bit cautious and turn off auto-starting of the array, Dockers and  VM's.  Then after upgrading, you can look things over and make sure there are not any anomalies.  Starting things up one-at-a-time will make any troubleshooting much more simple.  


An off-the-wall inquiry---  Why a MB and RAM upgrade without doing the CPU?  You won't have any significant gain in performance without a CPU upgrade.  

Ok, currently I have no auto-start of array, dockers or VMs. I also don’t use VMs, only a few dockers: plex, tautulli, deluge, openvpn, jdownloader & krusader. 


Also I like my CPU (Core i7 2600) but my mobo/psu/case are proprietary and offer very limited upgrades. It’s an HP Elite 8200 SFF PC with only a 240W non upgradeable psu. If I want to add more components/drives in the future I’m going to have to transplant everything to a new build. Sucks, but oh well.

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