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[Solved] Problems booting up


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I changed my LAN settings from DHCP  to static in the HTTP user shell. I filled in all parameters like IP, DNS, gateway etc., and at my next shutdow-reboot I was baffled ...

None of the offered modes worked and I get a bonding error during the starting attempt. The new IP address looks like the one windows put in when the card is set to use DHCP but no DHCP server is running on the network. I can still login as root admin ...


Here are my questions :

is there a file that logs the complete boot text ? if yes name and location please

how can I reset the LAN Parameters to use DHCP again as root admin ? or

easier by editing the specific config file(s) on my USB boot stick ???


your help is very much appreciated


ahab666 aka alX

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9 hours ago, ahab666 said:

is there a file that logs the complete boot text ? if yes name and location please


Yes, /var/log/syslog which is actually in RAM. If you type diagnostics at the prompt it and a lot of other useful information will be copied as a zip file into the logs directory of your boot flash.


9 hours ago, ahab666 said:

how can I reset the LAN Parameters to use DHCP again as root admin ? or

easier by editing the specific config file(s) on my USB boot stick ???


Delete the files config/network.cfg and (if it exists) config/network-rules.cfg from your USB boot device. They will be re-created as necessary when you boot.


As to the reason for your trouble - I suspect a simple typo.


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No not a typo but a f*'ed up USB flash drive .....

There are "only" a few files missing on the defective flash drive ....


So here is another question for you specialists .... is there a file that contains hdd serial numbers and the names of drive like sda, sdb a.s.o. ?

I just got a new flah stick and installed the latest version of unraid - now i just to add the correct hdd to the correct array slot ....

Same as above about shares ....


thx in advance - ahab

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