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Wake for a parity check not working

Walter S

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I seem to be having a problem with the Scheduler app in settings.  I adjust the appropriate settings in scheduler to wake the system and preform a Parity Check once per month on the 2nd day at 00:30 hours.  Later in the morning when I wake I've noticed the system is still in sleep mode.(?)

This has worked in the past and I have not changed anything in the bios.  WOL works from HTPC’s on the same lan.  This should be a simple task but no-go?

I just did a test to see if a parity check would start on its own from wake state and it did.  So it seems to be a wake-up issue here from a "sleep state".


Any suggestions would be appreciated

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Geez, I hear you, but my system has in the past woke-up at 0030 hours on the first day of the month and started a parity check. (?) I would find it running hours later.  its always been set to sleep in 30 min. with no activity. All on its own.. How the hell could this be then?

The beginning of each month I would look for this to complete.  I not imagining it.  Over the last X months I've noticed it not happening anymore.

Now i'm really stumped.

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