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Server got stuck


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This morning i looked at my server and noticed that at around 4AM it got stuck, and was completely unresponsive from local GUI or over the network - i couldn't even move the mouse or get ping response.

The previous evening i shut down my windows 10 VM to make a backup of it using Midnight commander, and that operation completed, copying the 100GB file from the cache drive into the array.

This VM was my only recent change to the server - a simple win10 install, no hardware passthrough, and no apps running on it yet.

Also, once i rebooted the server i noticed that the disks took a while to mount, about 3-4 minutes - i don't know if this is normal behavior or not.

My normal use of the server is for file storage, Plex, Sickrage, Transmission and Ubooquity.

i'm attaching a couple of screenshots and the diagnostics - i'd appreciate any advice on what to look for if this happens again.





unraid slow.png

unraid started.png

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4 hours ago, EvilSpice said:

Also, once i rebooted the server i noticed that the disks took a while to mount, about 3-4 minutes - i don't know if this is normal behavior or not.

It's normal for reiserfs volumes to mount slowly after an unclean shutdown. It's also not unknown for reiserfs to cause these kinds of lockups. I'd start formulating a plan to migrate the rest of your reiserfs disks to xfs or btrfs, your choice.


You have enough free space on the array to move everything off of your 4GB disk1  to your other disks to reformat it, then you could copy disk2 to the newly formatted disk1, format disk2, then copy disk3 to disk2.

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